To export model data to IMX for use in Civil 3D

An AutoCAD Civil 3D user can bring InfraWorks model data into Civil 3D by referencing an IMX file you export from your InfraWorks model.

Note: AutoCAD Civil 3D users with InfraWorks installed locally can also open a model directly in Civil 3D. See About Exchanging Data with AutoCAD Civil 3D.

Recommendations for Coordinate Systems and Units

When preparing to exchange model data with AutoCAD Civil 3D, it is recommended that InfraWorks users follow the guidelines in the section on Coordinate Systems and Units in About Exchanging Data Between AutoCAD Civil 3D and Autodesk InfraWorks.

Note: Only model layers that are visible when you start the export to IMX operation are exported. To turn model layer visibility on or off:
  1. Click in the Utility Bar to open Model Explorer.
  2. Toggle next to a feature class to make layers visible or to hide layers.

To Export Model Data to IMX

  1. Zoom to see the area of the model to export.
  2. Click .
  3. In the Export To IMX dialog box, specify the area to export:
    • To use export values from recent exports, click the down arrow next to Start With Recent Export. Select an export operation.
    • To export the entire model, select Use Entire Model.
    • To specify an area to export, click Define Interactively using a bounding box supply specific extents using minimum and maximum X, Y values, or click Load Extent From File and browse to a file containing the model extents.
  4. Select the target coordinate system.
    Note: See the section above on guidelines for setting coordinate systems and units.
    You can:
    • Use the coordinate system shown.

      To specify a recently-used coordinate system, click the down arrow and select it.

    • Select from a coordinate system library: click .
  5. Specify the name and location for the exported file.
  6. Click Export.