The Graphs tab displays diagrams of individual calculated characteristics. Some of the graphs are available for the YZ and XZ planes, as well as for the sum value.
Graph Selection
YZ Plane shear force in the YZ plane.
XZ Plane shear force in the XZ plane.
YZ Plane bending moment in the YZ plane.
XZ Plane bending moment in the XZ plane.
YZ Plane deflection angle in the YZ plane.
XZ Plane deflection angle in the XZ plane.
YZ Plane shaft deflection the YZ plane.
XZ Plane shaft deflection in the XZ plane.
YZ Plane bending stress in the YZ plane.
XZ Plane bending stress in the XZ plane.
YZ Plane shear stress in the YZ plane.
XZ Plane shear stress in the XZ plane.
Depending on the settings, the relevant graphs in the YZ plane (and the sum graphs as well) may include the effect of gravity and material density.
Deflection angle is the angle between the Z axis and the direction of the deflected center line at the given Z coordinate.
The formula for reduced stress is listed in the Engineer's Handbook.
Displays diagram of selected graph.
Double-click the graphical representation of graph or support to display appropriate edit dialog box where you can change values of load and support. However, you cannot delete loads and supports on the Graphs tab, you can do it in the Calculation tab only.
To display the Results area on the right side of the Graphs tabs, double-click the double line on the right or click the chevron.
The area displays calculated values such as the size of resistance in supports, deflection, and rotation in the place of the supports and loads, maximum bending and torsion stress, angle of twist, and mass of the shaft.
The following items are displayed in the Results pane:
The Load and Support lists include some of the important values at the position of every load and support. For a continuous load, the values are listed both for the beginning and for the end of the load.