Defines one or more corners in a sheet metal feature.
Note: Corners that are previously edited display a Corner Edit glyph with a dark green background and an edit pencil over the corner seam icon. You can edit these corners.
- Decide which corner to edit. As your cursor moves over each Corner Edit glyph, the glyph background highlights (the highlight color depends upon the active color scheme but is typically red).
- Click the Corner Edit glyph for your selected corner. The background color of the selected glyph changes to the selection color in the active color scheme and the Corner Edit dialog box displays.
- To specify an overlap that differs from the overlap specified for the feature, in the Corner Edit dialog box, select Overlap Type. Relevant if the feature already differs from your sheet metal style, or which differs from the default corner overlap type specified in the active sheet metal style.
- Select Overlap Gap to specify a value that differs from the value specified for the feature (if the feature already differs from your sheet metal style) or which differs from the default value specified in the active sheet metal style. You can also use the Real Value edit drop-down list on this field.
- With either the Overlap or Reverse Overlap type, to specify a percentage of overlap, enter a value from 0 to 1 for Overlap Gap..
- On the Relief Type drop-down list, specify a corner relief that differs from the relief specified for the feature (if the feature already differs from your sheet metal style) or which differs from the default corner relief type specified in the active sheet metal style. The selections available for a two bend corner differ from the selections available for a three bend corner.
- Select Relief Size to specify a value that differs from the value specified for the feature (if the feature already differs from your sheet metal style) or which differs from the default value specified in the active sheet metal style. You can also use the options on the Real Value edit drop-down list.
- Click OK to accept and apply all of the changes to the selected corner.