Create corner seam between sheet metal faces

Create seams between faces that intersect or are coplanar.

  1. On the ribbon, click Sheet Metal tab Modify panel Corner Seam .
  2. Select a model edge on each of two adjacent sheet metal faces.
  3. Accept the default seam type or select another of the three seam types.
  4. In the Corner Seam dialog box, you can:
    • Use the Face/Edge distance measurement method instead of the defaulted Maximum Gap Distance method.
    • Specify a percentage overlap value if you have elected to use a corner seam type of Overlap, or Reverse Overlap.
    • Specify a gap value that differs from the Thickness parameter.
    • Change the bend transition behavior and the corner relief (shape or size) from what is specified in the active style.
  5. Click OK to create the corner seam and close the dialog box .

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