Apply corner seams manually, or automatically while creating other features.
Options all corner seams define how the faces meet along the seam (distance and positions), and how the bends are relieved in the flat pattern. The default settings for the sheet metal rule define the default values for the options. You can change the values for an individual corner.
An automatic corner feature occurs when you create two flange features using identical parameters on adjacent edges of a sheet metal face.
A single flange or contour flange feature can contain multiple corners.
Corner seam gaps
The two methods to create and measure corner seam gaps:
- Face/Edge Apply a seam gap based on a measurement from the flange. Available only for corner seams are applied using Corner Seam. Corner seams created in releases of Autodesk Inventor before R2008 use this method exclusively. The Flange and Contour Flange features do not use this method.
- Maximum Gap Distance Apply a seam gap that you can measure. You slide an inspection gage of a thickness equal to the supplied gap distance value between and along the edges and faces of the corner. Most useful for nonsquare corners (angles greater or less than 90 degrees). The Flange and Contour Flange features use only this method for automatic corners. The enlarged gap detail of the part in the following image illustrates the increased control in specifying gaps: