To start, sketch a profile and path on intersecting planes. The path must pierce the profile plane. Start point must be located on the intersection of the planes for profile and path.
Tip: To save computation time for complex sweeps, clear the Preview check box, enter the necessary input in the dialog box, and then enable the Preview.
On the ribbon, click 3D Model tabCreate panel Sweep.
If there is only one profile in the sketch, it highlights automatically.
If there are multiple profiles, click Profile, and then select the profile to sweep.
Tip: When making multiple profile selections, to prevent automatic advance to the next selector, clear the check box for Optimize for Single Selection.
ClickPath, and select a 2d sketch, 3d sketch, or edges of geometry.
Note: If using edges for the path, when the sweep command is completed, the edges project to a new 3d sketch.
If there are multiple solid bodies, click Solids, and then select the participating bodies.
On the Type list, select Path.
Click the orientation for the path.
Path holds the sweep profile constant to the path.
Parallel holds the sweep profile parallel to the original profile.
Enter a Taper angle, if necessary.
For a perpendicular sweep created in Inventor 2015 or later, enter a Twist angle, if applicable.
ClickJoin,Cut, orIntersectto interact with another feature, surface or body. Select New solidto create a new body. If the sweep is the first solid feature in a part file, this selection is the default.
If the sweep preview in the graphics window is as expected, click OK.