Sheet metal hem dialog box

Creates a folded hem along sheet metal edges.

A fold can strengthen the part, or eliminate sharp edges. You can create single, double, rolled, and teardrop hems.

Ribbon: Sheet Metal tab Create panel Hem
Specifies parameters that define the type of hem, its shape, and extents.
  • Single
  • Teardrop
  • Rolled
  • Double
Select Edge
Use to select the sheet metal edge to create the hem.
Flip Direction
Click to flip the direction of the hem.
For Single and Double hem types, specifies the distance between the inside faces of the hem.
For Single and Double hem types, specifies the length of the hem.
For Rolled and Teardrop hem shapes, specifies the bend radius to apply at the bend.
For Rolled and Teardrop hem shapes, specifies the angle that is applied to the hem.
Note: On a drop-down list, you can click Measure, Show Dimensions, or Parameter List to obtain a value from the model.
Access Width Extents options. Specifies the extents of the hem: full edge, width, or offset.
Creates a hem the full length of the selected face edge.
Creates a hem of a specified width at a specified offset from a selected vertex, work point, work plane, or planar face on the edge of a face. You can also specify that the hem is a specific width, centered on the midpoint of the selected edge.
Creates a hem offset from two selected vertices, work points, work planes or planar faces on the edge of a face.
From To
Creates a hem with a width defined by selecting part geometry (vertices, work points, work planes, or planar faces) that defines the from and to extents for the hem.

For information about the Unfold Options, and options on the Bend tab see: