To begin, create extruded or revolved features to thread.
- On the ribbon, click 3D Model tab Modify panel Thread .
- In the graphics window, select a face to specify the thread location.
- Set the thread length. Accept the default Full Length setting or clear the check box, and then:
- In the Length box, set the thread length.
- In the Offset box, set the distance to offset the threads from the end of the face.
- If appropriate, click Flip to change direction of the thread from the starting edge.
- In the Display in Model check box, clear the check mark to suppress the display of the thread feature in the model.
- To change the thread type, click the Specification tab. Beside each box, click the down arrow to select from the list:
- In the Thread Type box, select the thread type.
- In the Nominal Size box, select the thread diameter.
- In the Pitch box, select the thread count.
- In the Class box, select the class type.
- Click Right hand or Left hand to specify the direction of the threads.
- Click OK to create the thread feature.
Tip: To create tapered threads, use a tapered thread type. An NPT (National Pipe Threads) specification is included on the thread data spreadsheet.