Value > MAXWrapper > Node > Helper > Got_To_Rotation |
The Go_To_Rotation test enables a smooth transition in the rotational component of a particle, so that the particle can gradually rotate to a specific orientation over a specific period. An example of its usage would be with falling leaves, which spin chaotically as they fall, but land on a flat side rather than an edge. The test aspect lets you direct the particle to a new event when the transition period ends.
To set a target orientation, place the Go_To_Rotation test before an orientation-type operator (Rotation or Rotation Spin) in the same event. In this situation, the Go_To_Rotation test can grab the particle rotational component before the orientation-type operator overwrites it. The Go_To_Rotation operator modifies the particle orientation and spinning in the post-evaluation cycle.
Corresponds to the Transition By drop-down list in the UI. Determines how the software applies the specified timing, defined by the Time and Variation values. Possible values are:
0: Absolute Time - Time refers to the overall time of the system. Each particle will reach its target orientation at the frame number specified by Time.
1: Particle Age - Time refers to the time elapsed since the birth of the particle. Each particle will reach its target orientation when its age reaches the value specified by Time.
2: Event Duration - Time refers to the time elapsed since the particle entered the current event. Each particle will reach its target orientation when it has been in the current for the number of frames specified by Time.
The number of frames particles should take to reach the target orientation.
Defines a random variation in the Spin Rate value when a particle reaches the target orientation.
When set to true, particles are sent out to the next event at the end of the transition. When set to false , the particles never leave the test.
Controls the state of the Target Rotation radio buttons. Possible values are:
0: Constant - Defines that the orientation-type operator sets a constant orientation for a particle.
1: Changing - Defines that the orientation-type operator sets a changing rotation for a particle. At each frame the desirable final rotation may be different.
Sets the angular velocity at the end of the transition period to the same as the angular velocity when particle enters the event.
Defines each particle's angular velocity, in degrees per second, when it reaches the target orientation. Available only when .Match_Initial_Spin is false .
Defines each particle's angular velocity, in degrees per second, when it reaches the target orientation. Available only when .Match Initial Spin is false .
Defines a curve in achieving the final spin rate.
When on, halts particle rotation when it reaches the target orientation.
Specifies a randomization value.