Value > MAXWrapper > Node > Helper > BirthGrid |
The BirthGrid operator generates particles and places them in a grid-like structure to fill up the volume of the operator's icon or a reference geometry.
Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.
<BirthGrid>.Emit_Time Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Emit Time" spinner
<BirthGrid>.Grid_Base_Type Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the selection of the "Grid Base" drop-down list.
<BirthGrid>.Grid_Size Float default: 1.0 -- worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Grid Size" parameter in world units.
<BirthGrid>.Use_Non_Uniform_Grid BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Non-Uniform Grid" checkbox.
When set to False (default), the Grid Size value will be used to distribute particles uniformly along all three axes.
When set to True, the Grid Size will be scaled by the .Grid_Length , .Grid_Width and .Grid_Height percentage values.
<BirthGrid>.Grid_Length Float default: 100.0 -- percent
Get/set the value of the "Grid Lenght %" spinner.
Used when .Use_Non_Uniform_Grid property is set to True.
<BirthGrid>.Grid_Width Float default: 100.0 -- percent
Get/set the value of the "Grid Width %" spinner.
Used when .Use_Non_Uniform_Grid property is set to True.
<BirthGrid>.Grid_Height Float default: 100.0 -- percent
Get/set the value of the "Grid Height %" spinner.
Used when .Use_Non_Uniform_Grid property is set to True.
<BirthGrid>.Use_Alternating_Lateral_Offset BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Alternate Lateral Offset" checkbox.
<BirthGrid>.Compact_Vertical_Size BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Compact Vertical Size" checkbox.
<BirthGrid>.Use_Random_Vertical_Offset BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Random Vertical Offset" checkbox.
<BirthGrid>.Grid_Offset Float default: 100.0 -- percent
Get/set the value of the "Grid Offset %" spinner.
Used when .Use_Random_Vertical_Offset is set to True to randomize the vertical offset of the particles.
<BirthGrid>.Random_Seed Integer default: 45921 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Seed" spinner.
<BirthGrid>.Restrict_By_Mesh_Volume BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Restrict By Mesh Volume" checkbox.
<BirthGrid>.Delete_Internal_Particles BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Delete Internal Particles" checkbox.
<BirthGrid>.External_Layers Integer default: 1 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "External Layers #" spinner.
<BirthGrid>.Interactive_Update BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Interactive Update" checkbox.
<BirthGrid>.Reference_Geometry UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node
Get/set the geometry object reference used to restrict the grid by mesh volume.
<BirthGrid>.Icon_Length Float default: 10.0 -- worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Length" spinner.
<BirthGrid>.Icon_Width Float default: 10.0 -- worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Width" spinner.
<BirthGrid>.Icon_Height Float default: 10.0 -- worldUnits
<BirthGrid>.Color_Type BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Color Coordinated" checkbox.
<BirthGrid>.Upper_Limit Integer default: 10000000 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Upper Limit" spinner.
<BirthGrid>.Save_Grid_Data_With_File BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Save Grid Data With File" checkbox.
Equivalent to pressing the "Calculate Mesh Volume Limits" button in the operator's UI.
The following common Particle Flow Interfaces are exposed by the BirthGrid Class: