Scale_Reactor : ScaleController

Scale_Reactor - superclass: ScaleController; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 0:0 - classID: #(331629852, 751514504) 

Value > MAXWrapper > ScaleController > Scale_Reactor



Animation Controllers - Quick Navigation



ScaleReactor interfaces:



.editStateMode : boolean : Read|Write 

This property sets or gets the state of the Edit Reaction State toggle.


.useCurve : boolean : Read|Write 

Specifies whether or not to use the curve.


.createMode : boolean : Read|Write 

Enable/Disable the Create mode.



<boolean>reactTo <maxObject>object 

The default influence value depends on the time the reaction was created. This is a time variant function so it will use the MAXScript time context instead of requiring a Time value as an argument.

<maxObject>object: The object to react to. This can either be a controller or a node.

Returns true if successful and false otherwise.



Create a new reaction and give it a name. The default influence value depends on the time the reaction was created. This is a time variant function. It will also use the name supplied if there is one, but a name is not necessary. The default value of name is: "scriptCreated". Returns true if successful and false otherwise.

NOTE:All index parameters below are 1- based!


<boolean>delete <index>index 

Delete the indexed reaction. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<integer>getCount () 

Returns the reaction count.


<void>select <index>index 

Selects the indexed reaction.


<index>getSelected () 

Returns the index of the currently selected reaction.


<boolean>setStateToCurrent <index>index 

This is a Time Variant function. Sets the reaction state to the current state at the given MAXScript time. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setFloatState <index>index<float>state 

Set the reaction state to the value passed in. The function you use depends on the type of reactor controller it is. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setVectorState <index>index<point3>state 

Set the reaction state to the value passed in. The function you use depends on the type of reactor controller it is. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setRotationState <index>index<quat>state 

Set the reaction state to the value passed in. The function you use depends on the type of reactor controller it is. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setValueToCurrent <index>index 

This is a Time Variant function. Sets the reaction value to value of the ReactTo object at the given MAXScript time. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setValueAsFloat <index>index<float>value 

Set the reaction value to the value passed in. The function you use depends on the type of object or controller you are reacting to. See getType () below. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setValueAsVector <index>index <point3>value 

Set the reaction value to the value passed in. The function you use depends on the type of object or controller you are reacting to. See getType () below. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setValueAsQuat <index>index<quat>value 

Set the reaction value to the value passed in. The function you use depends on the type of object or controller you are reacting to. See getType () below. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setInfluence <index>index<float>influence 

Sets the influence for the specified reaction. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setStrength <index>index<float>strength 

Sets the strength for the specified reaction. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


<boolean>setFalloff <index>index <float>influence 

Sets the falloff for the specified reaction.


<void>setName <index>index <string>name 

Set the name of the reaction specified by the index.


<string>getName <index>index 

Returns the reaction name.


<float>getInfluence <index>index 

Returns the reaction influence.


<float>getStrength <index>index 

Returns the reaction strength.


<float>getFalloff <index>index 

Returns the reaction falloff.


<enum>getType () 


getType enums: {#floatReaction | #positionalReaction | #rotationalReaction | #scaleReaction} 

Returns the type of object you are reacting to.


<fpvalue>getState <index>index 

Returns the reaction state. This value can be either a Point3, a Quat, or a float depending on the type of reactor controller this is.


<fpvalue>getValue <index>index 

Returns the reaction value. This value can be either a Point3, a Quat, or a float depending on the type of reactor controller this is.


See Also