Vertex_Paint_Floater : ReferenceTarget

The VertexPaintTool primitive provides access to the Vertex Paint Floater used by the VertexPaint Modifier. It returns a Vertex_Paint_Floater ReferenceTarget with the following properties:



.curPaintMode (Current_Paint_Mode) : integer 	 

Get/Set the current paint mode.


.mapDisplayChannel (Map_Channel) : integer   

Get/Set the current map channel.


.brushOpacity (Paint_Strength) : float 

Get/Set the brush opacity.


.brushSize (Paint_Strength) : float 

Get/Set the brush size.


.paintColor (Paint_Color) : RGBcolor 

Get/Set the brush color.


.blurStrength (Blur_Strength) : float 

Get/Set the brush strength.


.windowPosX (Window_Pos_X) : integer 

Get/Set the horizontal position of the Vertex Paint Floater relatively to the upper left corner of the Windows desktop.


.windowPosY (Window_Pos_Y) : integer 

Get/Set the vertical position of the Vertex Paint Floater relatively to the upper left corner of the Windows desktop.


.MapDisplayChannelLock : boolean 

When set to true , the channel will be locked.

When the lock is enabled, the user cannot manually change the display channel in the floater. Instead, it will always reflect the paint channel of the active VertexPaint modifier, if any.


.KeepToolboxOpen : boolean 

When set to true , the vertex paint floater will remain open after the modifier is closed. The default is false


.HideUnselSubobjs : boolean 

When set to true , only the selected subobjects are drawn in the viewport, when false , selected and unselected subobjects are both drawn, in different colors. The default is false


.MirrorMode : boolean 

Turns the PainterInterface mirror mode on and off


.MirrorModeAxis : integer 

Determines the mirror axis. Possible values are:

0 - X

1 - Y

2 - Z


v = VertexPaintTool()
v.brushOpacity = 50

See Also