Prism : GeometryClass
Prism - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - classID: #(1668308908, 1545557311)
<Prism>.side1Length Float default: 25.0 -- animatable, alias: Side_1_Length
Sets the length of triangle's first side.
<Prism>.side2Length Float default: 25.0 -- animatable, alias: Side_2_Length
Sets the length of triangle's second side.
<Prism>.side3Length Float default: 25.0 -- animatable, alias: Side_3_Length
Sets the length of triangle's third side.
<Prism>.height Float default: 10.0 -- animatable
The height of the prism's central axis.
<Prism>.side1Segs Integer default: 1 -- animatable, alias: Side_1_Segments
The number of divisions along the first side.
<Prism>.side2Segs Integer default: 1 -- animatable, alias: Side_2_Segments
The number of divisions along the second side.
<Prism>.side3Segs Integer default: 1 -- animatable, alias: Side_3_Segments
The number of divisions along the third side.
<Prism>.heightsegs Integer default: 1 -- animatable, alias: Height_Segments
The number of divisions along the central axis.
<Prism>.mapCoords Boolean default: false
When on, sets up the required coordinates for applying mapped materials to the prism.