BirthStream : Helper

BirthStream - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 14:0 - classID: #(1935830531, 515064320) 

Value > MAXWrapper > Node > Helper > BirthStream



Particle Flow - Quick Navigation


The BirthStream operator generates a stream if non-overlapping particles and defines their position and speed properties.

Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.






<BirthStream>.Emit_Start     Integer    default: 0   --  integer

Get/set the value of the "Emit Start" spinner.


<BirthStream>.Emit_Stop     Integer    default: 4800   --  integer

Get/set the value of the "Emit Stop" spinner.


<BirthStream>.Rate     Float    default: 60.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the value of the "Rate" spinner.

It defines the emission rate per second.


<BirthStream>.Separation     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; worldUnits

Get/set the value of the "Separation" spinner.

It defines the minimum distance in world units between newly born particles.


<BirthStream>.Delay_Birth_If_Overlap     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Delay Birth If Overlap" checkbox.

When set to True, the birth of the particle may be delayed to avoid overlapping.


<BirthStream>.Speed     Float    default: 300.0   --  animatable; worldUnits

Get/set the value of the "Speed" spinner.

Defines the initial speed of the particle.


<BirthStream>.Inherit_Icon_Movement     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Inherit Icon Movement" checkbox.

When set to True, the particle will inherit the speed of the icon.


<BirthStream>.Multiplier     Float    default: 100.0   --  animatable; percent; Controller Scaling: (1 : 100.0); 

Get/set the value of the "Multiplier %" spinner.

When .Inherit_Icon_Movement is set to True, controls the percentage of the icon's speed to inherit.


Stream Source Icon group of controls

<BirthStream>.Icon_Type     Integer    default: 0   --  integer

Get/set the state of the "Stream Source Icon" type radio buttons.

Possible values are:

0 - Rectangle (default)

1 - Ellipse


<BirthStream>.Icon_Length     Float    default: 10.0   --  animatable; worldUnits

Get/set the value of the "Lenght" spinner.


<BirthStream>.Icon_Width     Float    default: 10.0   --  animatable; worldUnits

Get/set the value of the "Width" spinner.


<BirthStream>.Color_Type     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Color Coordinated" checkbox.


<BirthStream>.Random_Seed     Integer    default: 45325   --  integer

Get/set the value of the "Seed" spinner.


<BirthStream>.Max_Attempts     Integer    default: 100   --  integer

Get/set the value of the "Max Attempts" spinner.


BirthStream interfaces:

The following common Particle Flow Interfaces are exposed by the BirthStream Class:

Interface: action

Interface: operator

Interface: PViewItem