WaterSpaceWarp - superclass: SpacewarpObject; super-superclass:Node - classID: #(1192955369, 72894388)
The Reactor dynamics system has been retired and REMOVED from 3ds Max 2012.
Value > MAXWrapper > Node > SpacewarpObject > WaterSpaceWarp |
You can use the WaterSpaceWarp to simulate the behavior of a body of liquid. You can specify a size for the water, and physical properties such as density, wave speed, and viscosity.
Get/Set the dimensions for the water
Get/Set the subdivisions for the water
When set to true , the landscape rigid body will be considered.
Get/Set the landscape rigid body.
Get/Set the speed at which wave crests propagate across the surface of the water.
Get/Set the bounds on the size of the waves generated in the water.
Get/Set the density of the liquid. This determines which objects will sink into the water, and at what height objects of a lesser density will float. The default density is that of real-world water: 1.0.
Get/Set the resistance to flow, in other words how difficult it is for objects to move through the liquid. A large value means that the motion of objects through the water is highly damped.
When set to true (default), a label "Water" will appear beside the space warp in the viewport.
When set to true , the space warp will not be considered by the simulation.
When set to true , the depth value will be considered by the simulation.
Get/Set the depth of the water. Buoyancy is only applied to objects that are inside the water's depth.
Returns the number of keyframes.
Returns an array of keyframe times.
Returns an array of height values at the specified time.
heights is In and Out parameter
Sets the height values at the specified time to the values supplied with the by-reference array.
Returns the index of the point at row xIndex and column yIndex.