rotation : Helper

rotation - superclass: helper super-superclass:node - classID: #(1962490633, 515064320) 

Value > MAXWrapper > Node > Helper > Rotation



Particle Flow - Quick Navigation


The Rotation operator lets you set and animate particle orientation during an event, with optional random variation. You can apply orientation in any of five different matrices: two random and three explicit.






<rotation>.Direction Integer default:0 

Controls the state of the drop-down list in the Orientation Matrix group.

Possible values are:

0: Random 3D - Gives each particle an arbitrary, random 3D orientation.

1: Random Horizontal - Gives each particle an arbitrary, random 3D orientation about the Z axis only. Rotation about the X and Y axes doesn't change (unless Divergence is used), so the particles remain vertical.

2: World Space - Orientation is specified in the world coordinate space. Use the X/Y/Z settings to specify the orientation for all particles.

3: Speed Space - The coordinate space for particle orientation is determined by the particles' direction upon entering the event.


<rotation>.Euler_X Float default:0.0 
<rotation>.Euler_YFloat default:0.0 
<rotation>.Euler_ZFloat default:0.0 

Set the basic orientation about the particles' local axes. Unavailable when .Direction is set to 0 : Random 3D or 1 : Random Horizontal


<rotation>.Divergence Float default:0.0 

Defines the range of variation (in degrees) for particle orientation. The actual deviation is calculated at random within this range. Unavailable when .Direction is set to 3 : Speed Space.


<rotation>.Restrict_Divergence_To_Axis BooleanClass default: false -- boolean 

When set to True, the Divergence will be restricted to the specified axis.


<rotation>.Divergence_Axis_X Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float 

Defines the X component of the custom Divergence Axis used when .Restrict_Divergence_To_Axis is set to True.


<rotation>.Divergence_Axis_Y Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float 

Defines the Y component of the custom Divergence Axis used when .Restrict_Divergence_To_Axis is set to True.


<rotation>.Divergence_Axis_Z Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float 

Defines the Z component of the custom Divergence Axis used when .Restrict_Divergence_To_Axis is set to True.


<rotation>.Random_Seed Integer default:12345 

Specifies a randomization value.


rotation Interfaces:

Interface: action

Interface: operator

Interface: PViewItem

See Also