Value > MAXWrapper > Node > GeometryClass > Torus_Knot |
Select the base curve for the Torus Know object:
0-Knot (The torus interweaves itself.)
1-Circle (The base curve is a circle, resulting in a standard torus if parameters are left at their defaults.)
The number of segments around the perimeter of the torus.
Describe up and around-the-center winding numbers.
Describe down and around-the-center winding numbers.
The number of "points" in a star shape around the curve.
The height of the "points" given as a percentage of the base curve radius.
The radius of the cross section of the torus knot object.
The number of sides around the cross section.
The ratio of the major to minor axes of the cross section.
A value of 1 provides a circular cross section, while other values create elliptical cross sections.
The number of times the cross section twists around the base curve.
The number of bulges in the torus knot.
The height of the lumps, as a percentage of the radius of the cross section.
The offset of the start of the lumps, measured in degrees.
The purpose of this value is to animate the lumps around the torus.
Set smoothing in the torus knot:
0-None (The torus knot is faceted.)
1-Sides (Smoothes only the adjacent sides of the torus knot.)
2-All (The torus knot is faceted.)
Turn on/off generate mapping coordinates
Tile the mapping coordinates along U.
Tile the mapping coordinates along V.
Offset the mapping coordinates along U.
Offset the mapping coordinates along V.