Skin_Morph : Modifier

Skin_Morph - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 32:0 - classID: #(2060490561, 1770267731) 

Value > MAXWrapper > Modifier > Skin_Morph


Skin_Morph... MorphByBone ... 


Parameters Rollout

<Skin_Morph>.bones ArrayParameter default: #() --node array; Bone_Nodes; SubAnim   

Get/set the bones array.


Selection Rollout

<Skin_Morph>.useSoftSelection BooleanClass default: false-- boolean; Use_Soft_Selection 

Get/set the state of the Use Soft Selection checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.selectionRadius Float default: 10.0 -- float; Selection_Radius 

Get/set the Soft Selection Radius value.


<Skin_Morph>.useEdgeLimit BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Edge_Limit 

Get/set the state of the Edge Limit checbox.


<Skin_Morph>.edgeLimit Integer default: 10 -- integer; Edge_Limit 

Get/set the Soft Selection Edge Limit value.


<Skin_Morph>.falloffGraphs ArrayParameter default: #() -- max objectarray; Falloff_Graphs; SubAnim 


<Skin_Morph>.softSelectionGraph CurveControl default: ReferenceTarget:Animatable -- max object; Soft_Selection_Graph; SubAnim 

Accesses the Soft Selection Curve Control.


Skin_Morph.softSelectionGraph - superclass: ReferenceMaker; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 1:1 - classID: #(341333875, 1211792847) 


<Skin_Morph.softSelectionGraph>.curve_1 SubAnim default: SubAnim:Curve_1 -- SubAnimSkin_Morph.softSelectionGraph.curve_1 : MAXObject ; 

Accesses the curve in the Soft Selection Curve Control.


<Skin_Morph>.targetNodes ArrayParameter default: #() -- node array; Node_List; SubAnim 

Get/set the External Mesh Target nodes array.

Local Properties Rollout


<Skin_Morph>.enabled BooleanClassdefault: true -- boolean 

Get/set the state of the Enabled checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.MorphName String default: "Morph0" -- string 

Get/set the name of the Morph.


<Skin_Morph>.influenceAngle Float default: 90.0 -- float; Influence 

Get/set theInfluence Angle value.


<Skin_Morph>.falloff Integer default: 0 -- integer 

Get/set the Falloff drop-down list selection. Possible values are:

0 - Linear

1 - Sinual

2 - Fast

3 - Slow

4 - Custom Falloff


<Skin_Morph>.jointType Integer default: 0 -- integer; Joint_Type 

Get/set the Joint Type drop-down list selection. Possible values are:

0 - Ball Joint

1 - Planar Joint


<Skin_Morph>.reloadSelected BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Only_Reload_Selected_Vertices 

Get/set the state of the "Reload only selected verts" checkbox.

Copy and Paste Rollout


<Skin_Morph>.showMirrorPlane BooleanClass default: false-- boolean; Show_Mirror_Plane 

Get/set the state of the Show Mirror Plane checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.previewBone BooleanClass default: false -- boolean;Preview_Bones 

Get/set the state of the Preview Bone checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.previewVerts BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Preview_Verts 

Get/set the state of the Preview Vertices checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.mirrorPlane Integer default: 0 -- integer; Mirror_Plane 

Get/set the Mirror Plane axis. Possible values are:

0 - X

1 - Y

2 - Z


<Skin_Morph>.mirrorOffset Float default: 0.0 -- float; Mirror_Offset 

Get/set the Mirror Offset value.


<Skin_Morph>.mirrorThreshold Float default: 1.0 -- float; Mirror_Threshold 

Get/set the Mirror Threshold value.

Options Rollout


<Skin_Morph>.safemode BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Safe_Mode 

Get/set the state of the Beginner Mode checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.showDriverBone BooleanClass default: true-- boolean; Show_Driver_Bone 

Get/set the state of the Show Driver Bone checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.showMorphBone BooleanClass default: true --boolean; Show_Morph_Bone 

Get/set the state of the Show Morph Bone checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.showCurrentAngle BooleanClass default: true-- boolean; Show_Current_Angle 

Get/set the state of the Show Current Angle checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.showEdges BooleanClass default:true -- boolean; Show_Edges 

Get/set the state of the Show Edges checkbox.


<Skin_Morph>.matrixSize Float default: 10.0 -- float; Matrix_Size 

Get/set the matrix size value.


<Skin_Morph>.boneSize Float default: 1.0 -- float; Bone_Size 

Get/set the bones size value.

Additional Options not exposed to the UI


<Skin_Morph>.showLimitAngle BooleanClass default: false-- boolean; Show_Limit_Angle 

When set to true, shows the Limit Angle in the viewport.


<Skin_Morph>.showDeltas BooleanClass default:true -- boolean; Show_Deltas 

When set to true, shows the Deltas in the viewport.


<Skin_Morph>.showX BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Show_X 
<Skin_Morph>.showY BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Show_Y
<Skin_Morph>.showZ BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Show_Z 

Skin_Morph interfaces:



<void>addBone <node>node 

Adds the specified bone to the Bones list under Parameters.


<void>removeBone <node>node 

Removes the specified bone from the Bones list under Parameters.


<void> selectBone <node>node <string>morphName 

Selects the specified bone from the specified morph.


<void>selectVertices <node>node <bitArray>sel 

Selects the vertices of the specified node using the specified bitArray.


<boolean>isSelectedVertex <node>node <integer>vertexIndex 

Returns true if the indexed vertex of the specified node is selected


Selection Rollout


Resets the Soft Selection graph. Corresponds to pressing the Reset Graph button in the Selection rollout.



Corresponds to pressing the Ring button in the Selection rollout.



Corresponds to pressing the Loop button in the Selection rollout.



Corresponds to pressing the Shrink button in the Selection rollout.



Corresponds to pressing the Grow button in the Selection rollout.


Local Properties Rollout

<void>createMorph <node>node 

Corresponds to pressing the Create Morph button.


<void>removeMorph <node>node <string>morphName 

Corresponds to pressing the Delete Morph button.


<void>editMorph <boolean>edit 

Corresponds to pressing the Edit button.



Corresponds to pressing the Clear Verts button.


<void>resetOrientation <node>node <string>morphName 

Affects the specified node and morph. Corresponds to pressing the Reset Orient. button with the corresponding morph and node selected.



Corresponds to pressing the Remove Verts button.


<void>editFalloffGraph <node>node <string>morphName 

Corresponds to pressing the G button next to the Falloff drop-down list when in Custom Falloff mode for the specified node and morph. Opens a Custom Falloff curve editor.


$Cylinder01.modifiers[1].editFalloffGraph $Bone01
-->"Morph 0"
--Cylinder01 is the node the Skin_Morph is assigned to --Bone01 is the bone node --"Morph 0" is the name of the morph


<void>setExternalNode <node>morphnode <string>morphName <node>externalnode 

Sets the external Mesh for the specified node and morph to the supplied externalNode. Corresponds to using the External Mesh button.


<void>reloadTarget <node>node <string>morphName 

Corresponds to pressing the Reload Target button for the specified node and morph.

Copy and Paste Rollout

<void>mirrorPaste <node>node 

Corresponds to pressing the Paste Mirror button for the specified node.


Transformation Methods

<void>moveVerts <point3>vec 

Moves the selected vertices by the specified vector.


<void>transformVerts<<matrix3>tmMotion <matrix3>tmToLocalSpace 

Transforms the verticesiusing the given matrices.


<matrix3>boneGetInitialNodeTM <node>node 

Returns the initial node transformation matrix of the specified bone node.


<void>boneSetInitialNodeTM <node>node <matrix3>tm 

Sets the initial node transformation matrix of the specified bone node to the supplied matrix value.


<matrix3>boneGetInitialObjectTM <node>node 

Returns the initial object transformation matrix of the specified bone node.


<void>boneSetInitialObjectTM <node>node <matrix3>tm 

Sets the initial object transformation matrix of the specified bone node to the supplied matrix value.


<matrix3>boneGetInitialParentTM <node>node 

Returns the initial parent transformation matrix of the specified bone node.


<void>boneSetInitialParentTM <node>node <matrix3>tm 

Sets the initial parent transformation matrix of the specified bone node to the supplied matrix value.


Additional Controls


Returns the number of bones in the modifier as integer.


<integer>boneGetNumberOfMorphs <node>node 

Returns the number of morphs for the specified bone node.


<string>boneGetMorphName <node>node <integer>index 

Returns the name of the indexed morph of the specified bone node.


<void>boneSetMorphName <node>node <integer>index <string>name 

Sets the name of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given string.


<float>boneGetMorphAngle <node>node <integer>index 

Returns the morph angle of the indexed morph of the specified bone node.


<void>boneSetMorphAngle <node>node <integer>index <float>angle 

Sets the morph angle of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given angle.


<matrix3>boneGetMorphTM <node>node <integer>index 

Returns the morph transformation matrix of the indexed morph of the specified bone node.


<void>boneSetMorphTM <node>node <integer>index <matrix3>tm 

Sets the morph transformation matrix of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given matrix3 value.


<matrix3>boneGetMorphParentTM <node>node <integer>index 

Returns the morph's parent transformation matrix of the indexed morph of the specified bone node.


<void>boneSetMorphParentTM <node>node <integer>index <matrix3>tm 

Sets the morph's parent transformation matrix of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given matrix3 value.


<boolean>boneGetMorphIsDead <node>node <integer>index 

Returns true if the indexed morph of the specified bone node is dead, false otherwise.


<void>boneSetMorphSetDead <node>node <integer>index <boolean>dead 

Sets the dead state of indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given boolean value.


<boolean>boneGetMorphNumPoints <node>node <integer>index 

Returns the number of points of the indexed morph of the specified bone node.


<void>boneSetMorphNumPoints <node>node <integer>index <integer>numPoints 

Sets the number of points of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given integer value.


<integer>boneGetMorphVertID <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex 

Returns the Vertex ID of the indexed morph of the specified bone node as integer.


<void>boneSetMorphVertID <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex <integer>index 

Sets the Vertex ID of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given integer value.


<point3>boneGetMorphVec <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex 

Returns the Morph Vector of the indexed morph of the specified bone node as Point3 value


<void>boneSetMorphVec <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex <point3>vec 

Sets the Morph Vector of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given Point3 value


<point3>boneGetMorphVecInParentSpace <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex 

Returns the Morph Vector in parent space of the indexed morph of the specified bone node as Point3 value


<void>boneSetMorphVecInParentSpace <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex <point3>vec 

Sets the Morph Vector in parent space of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given Point3 value


<point3>boneGetMorphBasePoint <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex 

Returns the Base Point of the indexed morph of the specified bone node as Point3 value


<void>boneSetMorphBasePoint <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex <point3>point 

Sets the Base Point of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given Point3 value


 <node>boneGetMorphOwner <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex 

Returns the owner node of the indexed vertex in the indexed morph of the specified bone node


<void>boneSetMorphOwner <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>ithVertIndex <node>node 

Sets the owner of the indexed vertex in the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given node.


<integer>boneGetMorphFalloff <node>node <integer>morphIndex 

Returns the falloff of the indexed morph of the specified bone node


<void>boneSetMorphFalloff <node>node <integer>morphIndex <integer>falloff 

Sets the falloff of the indexed morph of the specified bone node


<float>getWeight <node>node <string>morphName 

Returns the Weigth of the indexed morph of the specified bone node


<boolean>boneGetMorphEnabled <node>node <integer>morphIndex 

Returns the Enabled state of the indexed morph of the specified bone node


<void>boneSetMorphEnabled <node>node <integer>morphIndex <boolean>enabled 

Sets the Enabled state of the indexed morph of the specified bone node to the given boolean value.



Forces an update of the Skin_Morph modifier.


See Also