CrowdState - superclass: ReferenceTarget; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 4:0 - classID: #(633734037, 2042692069)
The names of all behaviors associated with the state.
Specifies the selected behavior's weight. The higher the weight in relation to other behaviors' weights, the more evident the results of the behavior in the state. Default=1.0. Range=0.0 to 1.0.
You can perform the following MAXScript operations:
on all of the properties containing an ArrayParamater of objects listed below. You can also undo/redo these operations:
<CrowdState>.behaviors-- array of behaviors <CrowdState>.weights-- array of floats <CrowdState>.transitions-- array of CrowdTransition objects
If you add or delete elements to the Behaviors ArrayParameter, the corresponding element in the Weights ArrayParameter must be added or deleted.