Set target weights for blend deformers

To define the influence of targets on the blend shape

  1. Open the Blend Shape editor (Window > Animation Editors > Blend Shape).

    The name of each target displays under the sliders.

  2. Adjust the slider or enter a value in the weight box for each target to achieve the shape you want.
  3. Each slider moves from 0 to 1. A setting of 0 means that the target has no effect on the base. A setting of 1 makes the base identical to the target unless other targets also affect the base.

    You can also enter values beyond the slider range in the weight boxes below the sliders. A value above 1 exaggerates the target’s influence.

Tip: If you want to enter negative weight values, turn on Support Negative Weights in the blendShape node. Negative values move the base in a direction opposite the target components.

To reset all sliders to 0, click Reset All.

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