Preview a smoothed mesh

To preview a smoothed mesh using Smooth Mesh Preview

  1. Select the polygonal mesh(es) you want to smooth.
  2. Do one of the following to turn on Smooth Mesh Preview:
    • Press 2.

      Cage + Smooth Mesh display mode is enabled. Maya displays the original mesh (as a wireframe cage) and the smoothed preview simultaneously, letting you select components on the either version of the mesh.

    • Press 3.

      Smooth Mesh display mode is enabled. Maya only displays the smoothed preview. When you select and edit components directly on the smoothed preview, the changes are reflected back onto the original mesh.

    • In the Smooth Mesh Preview section of the polyShape node Attribute Editor for your mesh, turn on Smooth Mesh Preview and select a Display mode: Cage + Smooth Mesh or Smooth Mesh.
  3. Press Page Up or Page Down to change the level of smoothing/subdivision that occurs on the smoothed preview.
  4. Press 1 to turn off Smooth Mesh Preview.

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