Playblast animation

Before you playblast, be aware of the following issues and known limitations:

To playblast an animation

  1. Create or open an animation.
  2. Select Window > Playblast > to open the Playblast Options.
  3. Select the Format for the playblast output.

    The Encoding drop-down updates automatically with associated codecs.

    Tip: To create an image sequence instead of a movie, set Format to image, then select an image format in the Encoding drop-down list.
  4. (Optional) Select the codec or image format you want to use from the Encoding drop-down list.
  5. Set the compression Quality value you want.
  6. Set Display Size to From Window.
  7. Click in a view to make it active.
  8. Click Playblast.

    The scene plays in the active view for the playback range in the Time Slider. After each time frame is drawn, Maya takes a screen grab of the active view.

    Depending on your platform and which output Format you selected, a new window opens and previews the playblasted animation.


    If you set a sound file (or files) to display in the Time Slider while Playblast is running, and you select a movie file type as the output Format, the sounds are included in the resulting saved movie file. See Display audio on the Time Slider.

To cancel a playblast

  1. Press the key.

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