Before you playblast, be aware of the following issues and known limitations:
If an open window obscures the area where the screen will be grabbed, the first frame of your movie will display part of the window. This can also occur when a screensaver appears partway through playblasting a long animation.
To playblast an animation
The Encoding drop-down updates automatically with associated codecs.
The scene plays in the active view for the playback range in the Time Slider. After each time frame is drawn, Maya takes a screen grab of the active view.
Depending on your platform and which output Format you selected, a new window opens and previews the playblasted animation.
If you set a sound file (or files) to display in the Time Slider while Playblast is running, and you select a movie file type as the output Format, the sounds are included in the resulting saved movie file. See Display audio on the Time Slider.
To cancel a playblast