Outliner menus


DAG Objects Only

Shows only transformable nodes. See DAG Hierarchy for a description of DAG nodes.


Shows shape nodes.

Attributes (Channels)

Allow the display of attributes on nodes. Use the round plus and minus buttons to show a node’s attributes.

Set Members

Allow the display of members under the sets.

Show Namespace

Shows the namespace of referenced objects.


Only show attributes that are connected to another node, keyed, or connected (by set driven key, a constraint, a motion path, or an expression).

Reveal Selected

Expands the outline to show the currently selected node(s).

Channel Names

Select what attribute names to show when Attributes (Channels) is on. Nice names are more readable. Long and Short names are the actual names of attributes, which you can use in MEL.

Sort Order

Select Scene Hierarchy to show the hierarchy. Select Alphabetical Within Type to show flat alphabetical lists of each node type.

Attribute Order

Changes the order in which the attributes are displayed in the Connection Editor’s list. Attributes can be sorted in ascending or descending alphabetical order.

Select Set Members

Selects the members of the highlighted set.



Select which object types to show in the Outliner. Select Clear Below to turn off all filters.


Select which attribute types to show in the Outliner. Select Clear Below to turn off all filters.


Hidden attributes.


Keyable attributes.

Scale, Rotate, Translate

Scale, Rotate, or Translate attributes.

Driven by Anim Curve

Attributes with an animation curve. This includes attributes animated with keys.

Driven by Driven Key

Attributes driven by driven keys.

User Defined

User-defined attributes. For more information, see Create, edit, or delete custom attributes.

Invert Shown

Reverse the filters so visible objects are hidden and hidden objects are visible.

Show All

Turns off all filters in the Show menu.

Select Attributes

Opens the Select Attributes window, which lets you filter which attributes display for a selected object.

The Select Attributes window displays a grid of check boxes for the Translate, Rotate, and Scale XYZ attributes, as well as a list of any other attributes for the selected object. Use these check boxes to turn the display of each attribute on and off. (For example, see Filter curve display in the Graph Editor.)

Show Selected Type(s)

Shows only object types of the same type as the current selection. This option lets you create a filter that limits the types of objects and attributes displayed in the Outliner to the same type of object or attribute as the current selection.

For example, if you select an object’s Translate X, Y, and Z attributes in the Outliner, then select Show Selected Type(s). All non-translation attributes will be filtered and only translation attributes will appear in the Outliner. The Show Selected Type(s) filter remains active until you select another Show menu option (such as Show All).

Create Entry

Lets you save and name the current Show menu filter.

Create Entry is only available when the objects and attributes displayed in the Outliner have been filtered by the Show Selected Type(s) menu option.

Delete Entry

Lets you delete a saved Show menu filter.

Show Auxiliary Nodes

Shows node types that the Outliner normally does not show because they are rarely needed (such as underworld nodes).

Auxiliary Nodes

Lets you set which nodes are considered “auxiliary”.

You can customize which nodes are hidden to reduce clutter in the editors. Generally, these are nodes that are not normally useful to see or edit. Select this option to display the Auxiliary Nodes editor and customize the node types that are hidden in editors. See Auxiliary Nodes for more information.

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