Bake retargeted animation to the target character

Depending on where you are in your retargeting workflow, you can bake the retargeted animation either to the target character’s skeletonor Control rig.

Typically, you bake animation to the target character’s Control rig when you no longer need the link to your source character.

You can bake animation to the target skeleton when you finish making all adjustments to the retargeted animation and are satisfied with the results.


When baking retargeted animation, Maya uses the options you set in the Bake Simulation Options window. See Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation.

To bake retargeted animation to the target character

  1. In the Character Controls, select the character you want to bake to in the Character menu.
  2. Click , then select one of the options that appear in the Bake menu. See Bake options in the Character Controls.

    The retargeted animation plays in the scene as Maya bakes to either the target skeletonor Control rig. For each frame of the retargeted animation, Maya sets one key on each effector or joint.

  3. (Optional) If you are finished working with the source character, you can delete it from the scene.

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