Bind smooth skin

Binding smooth skin includes setting the smooth bind options, binding skin, then checking the binding by exercising the skeleton.

To bind skin

    (Use these steps if you have already set the Smooth Bind Options you want.)

  1. Select one or more deformable objects, then select the root joint of a skeleton or the parent joint of a limb.
  2. Select Skin > Smooth Bind.

To set bind options first, then bind skin

  1. Select the skeleton or joints, then select the deformable object(s) you want to bind.
  2. Select Skin > Smooth Bind > .
  3. In the Smooth Bind Options that appear, do the following:
    • Set the Max Influences value to specify how many joints can influence a smooth skin point.

      Typically, a maximum of four or five joints influence a given smooth skin point for a character.

    • Set the Dropoff Rate to specify how the weighting varies based on joint distance.

      (When you bind skin, the Dropoff Rate applies to all the selected joints. The influence each joint has on a particular point varies with the distance between the skin point and the joint.)

    • Set the other skinning options as required.
  4. When finished with the Smooth Bind Options, click Bind Skin.

    You can also click Save to save the options you have set without binding skin.

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