With the Paint Blend Shape Weights Tool, you can use a Maya® Artisan™ brush to paint blend shape weights on your base shapes.
This lets you set blend shape weights on a per vertex basis; giving you a finer amount of control over the amounts of influence your target shapes have on their base shapes. This tool also lets you paint the blend shape weights for each target, and lets you create ‘partial’ targets and target mixing.
When you paint blend shape weights, you can also do the following:
See To create a new target shape from the painted base shape.
You can key the painted blend shape weights to create animated transition effects between target shapes and their base shape.
Blend shape weight maps let you map attribute values onto base shape surface vertices relative to the UVs. With imported blend shape weight maps, tool settings are applied to the base shape vertices using the mapped values. To produce good import/export results, make sure that your base shapes have good UVs.
See To import a blend shape weight map and To export a blend shape weight map.
To paint blend shape weights
The Blend Shape editor appears.
The target shape now has 100% influence over the base shape’s topology. The base shape deforms to reflect the target shape’s topology.
The Paint Blend Shape Weights Tool settings open in the Tool Settings editor. See Paint Blend Shape Weights Tool Settings.
By default, your base shape is flooded with a Value of 1.
A Value of 1 (full influence) appears as white painted weights and a Value of 0 (no influence) appears as black painted weights. All other Value settings appear as different shades of gray.
Turn off Color Feedback and Show Wireframe in the Display section of the Paint Blend Shape Weights Tool settings to better see the results of the painted blend shape weights on the base shape.
To animate painted blend shape weights
This menu item keys the painted blend shape weights for the selected target shapes.
This button keys the painted blend shape weights for the target shape selected in the target list.
To create a new target shape from the painted base shape
A copy of your deformed base shape appears over your base shape.
The copy of the deformed base shape you created is added as a new target shape to your blend shape deformation.
To export a blend shape weight map
The Export browser window appears.
Your base shape’s current deformations are saved out as an attribute map.
To import a blend shape weight map
The Import browser window appears.
Your base shape deforms according to the tool settings specified by the imported attribute map.