Choose the default View Transform

The view transform converts colors from the rendering working space in order to display a preview. It is applied in Viewport 2.0 and the Texture Baking View. It is also applied to color pots, including solid colors and ramps, in the Attribute Editor.

The View Transform option in the Color Management preferences controls the view transform that is used by default. However, you can select a different view transform temporarily in Viewport 2.0 and the Texture Baking View for diagnostic or other purposes.

For the best possible preview in general, you should set the default view transform to the same tone map that will be used for finishing. For example, if you are producing frames that will be sent for compositing, then you should use the same tone map that will be used for previewing and final output in the compositing application.

See also List of view/output transforms. Additional options are available if you have added user transforms. If you are using an OCIO configuration file, then an entirely different set of options may be available.