To open the Show Manipulator tool, click the Show Manipulator Tool icon in the General shelf. The manipulator is tailored for the selected node or attribute.
Snapping is available for commands that use the Show Manipulator Tool; for example:
Snapping occurs when you move freely as well as when you move along an axis; this can be very helpful when positioning lights and cameras in orthographic views.
For those tools that support it, you now have the following snapping options (Window > Settings/Preferences > Tool Settings):
Lets you specify the amount an object is moved in increments (determined by the Step Size value).
Sets spacing relative to the current position while translating. That is, if the current position is 0.75, step size is 1 and Relative is on, you snap to 1.75, 2.75, and so on. If Relative is off and step size is 1, you snap to 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, and so on. Only selectable if Discrete Move is on.
Specify the increment size. One unit is the default. (The scale of the unit (mm, cm, inches, feet, and so on) is dependent on your preferences.)
Lets you specify the amount an object is rotated in increments (determined by the Step Size value).
Sets spacing relative to the current position while rotating. That is, if the current position is 10 degrees, step size is 15 degrees and Relative is on, you snap to 25, 40, 55, and so on. If Relative is off and step size is 15, you snap to 15, 30, 45, and so on. Only selectable if Snap Rotate is on.
Specify the increment size. 15 degrees is the default.
Lets you specify the amount an object is scaled in increments (determined by the Step Size value).
Sets spacing relative to the current position while scaling. That is, if the current size is 1.25, step size is 1 and Relative is on, you scale to 2.25, 3.25, and so on. If Relative is off and step size is 1, you snap to 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, and so on. Only selectable if Discrete Scale is on.
Specify the increment size. One unit is the default. (The scale of the unit (mm, cm, inches, feet, and so on) is dependent on your preferences.)
Changes to the tool settings are shared by all menu items that use this tool. For example, if you change the Snap Rotate value to 45 degrees for the Extrude Face tool, the same value is used for the Move Component tool.