Bind smooth skin with Geodesic Voxel binding

The Geodesic Voxel binding method lets you select multiple meshes, treating all shapes as a single volume and giving continuous weighting across the geometry. See also Geodesic Voxel binding.
Note: To be used effectively, Geodesic Voxel binding has two requirements that need to be respected. Unlike other Maya bind methods, Geodesic Voxel binding requires that all joints influences are enclosed inside the mesh volume. If this is not done, Maya cannot correctly compute the geodesic distance. Additionally, normals for geometry front faces should be oriented to point outwards. You can check this if you enable backface culling in the viewport and visually inspect results.

To set initial weights and bind geometry using a voxelization- based method:

  1. Select the joints and mesh you want to bind, then select Skin > Smooth Bind > .
  2. Set the Bind Method to Geodesic Voxel.
  3. Set a Falloff rate to control how rigid the bind applies to the geometry.

    A value of 1 creates a more rigid bind, while 0 produces a smoother bind.

  4. Specify the Resolution to Increase the precision of the bind.

    The higher the resolution, the more precision, but it will take more time to process.

  5. Click Bind Skin.
    Note: If your mesh contains badly degenerate geometry, the Geodesic Voxel bind method may be problematic.