Quad Draw Tool hotkeys

The following table lists the default hotkeys for the Quad Draw tool.

Tip: Options in the Modeling Toolkit preferences let you change the default Quad Draw tool hotkey mappings to fit your workflow.
Hotkey Operation on quad mesh Operation off quad mesh

Click the reference surface or grid

Drop dots





Tweak components



Relax vertices

Create quads or triangles

Shift + -drag

Relax a selection of vertices



Insert an edge loop


Ctrl + -click

Insert an edge loop that snaps to the center of a face


Ctrl + Shift-click

Delete components


Ctrl + Shift + -drag

Move an edge loop



Extend an edge

Create quad strips

Tab + -drag

Extend an edge loop

Resize quad strips


Reactivate the Quad Draw Tool

Reactivate the Quad Draw Tool

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