AutoCAD 2016 と AutoCAD 2016 ベースの製品の ActiveX API に対して行われた追加と変更を示します。
AcSectionState2 (New) acSectionState2Plane = 1 acSectionState2Slice = 2 acSectionState2Boundary = 4 acSectionState2Volume = 8 AcadSecurityParamsConstants (Obsolete) ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ALGID_RC4 = 26625 AcadSecurityParamsType (Changed) ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ENCRYPT_DATA = 1 (Obsolete) ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ENCRYPT_PROPS = 2 (Obsolete)
IAcadDocument (Changed) SaveAs - Method (Support for adding password protection has been removed) IAcadPointCloudEx (Changed) Segmentation - Property (New) IAcadSection (Changed) SectionPlaneOffset - Property (New) SliceDepth - Property (New) State2 - Property (New) IAcadSecurityParams (Changed) Action - Property (Constants ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ENCRYPT_DATA and ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ENCRYPT_PROPS are no longer supported) Algorithm - Property (Obsolete) KeyLength - Property (Obsolete) Password - Property (Obsolete) ProviderName - Property (Obsolete) ProviderType - Property (Obsolete) IAcadShadowDisplay - Interface is only supported by the MentalRay renderer