新しく作成されるクローン オブジェクトのプロパティの現在の値、またはオブジェクト ID を指定します。
サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ
読み込み専用: いいえ(DynamicBlockReferenceProperty)、はい(IDPair)
タイプ: バリアント型(DynamicBlockReferenceProperty)、Long_PTR (IDPair)
DynamicBlockReferenceProperty: プロパティの現在の値。
IDPair: CopyObjects オペレーション内の新しく作成されたクローン オブジェクトのオブジェクト ID。
DynamicBlockReferenceProperty: 指定されたプロパティの値を設定できない場合、エラーは返されません。たとえば、プロパティに有効な値のリストや上限下限範囲が設定されており、かつ指定された値がリストに存在しなかったり範囲外であっても、エラーは返されません。
IDPair: コピー元オブジェクトのオブジェクト ID は Key プロパティを使用して取得します。
Sub Example_Value() ' This example creates two Circle objects and uses the CopyObjects ' method to copy them. It then returns the object IDs ' of the new objects using the Value property and uses the ' object IDs to remove the new (target) objects Dim circleObj1 As AcadCircle, circleObj2 As AcadCircle Dim circleObj1Copy As AcadCircle, circleObj2Copy As AcadCircle Dim centerPoint(0 To 2) As Double Dim radius1 As Double, radius2 As Double Dim radius1Copy As Double, radius2Copy As Double Dim objCollection(0 To 1) As Object Dim retObjects As Variant Dim IDPairs As Variant Dim TargetObject As AcadObject ' Define the Circle object centerPoint(0) = 0: centerPoint(1) = 0: centerPoint(2) = 0 radius1 = 5#: radius2 = 7# radius1Copy = 1#: radius2Copy = 2# ' Add two circles to the drawing Set circleObj1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPoint, radius1) Set circleObj2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPoint, radius2) ThisDrawing.Application.ZoomAll ' Copy objects ' ' First put the objects to be copied into a form compatible with CopyObjects Set objCollection(0) = circleObj1 Set objCollection(1) = circleObj2 ' Copy object and get back a collection of the new objects (copies) retObjects = ThisDrawing.CopyObjects(objCollection, , IDPairs) ' Get newly created object and apply new properties to the copies Set circleObj1Copy = retObjects(0) Set circleObj2Copy = retObjects(1) circleObj1Copy.radius = radius1Copy circleObj2Copy.radius = radius2Copy ThisDrawing.Application.ZoomAll ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports ' Display the object IDs of the source objects used for the copy MsgBox "The first target object ID is: " & IDPairs(0).Value & vbCrLf & _ "The second target object ID is: " & IDPairs(1).Value ' This key can be used with objectIDtoObject to reference the source objects, ' which is useful if the user manually selected the source objects. ' ' Here we delete the source objects from the ID obtained Set TargetObject = ThisDrawing.ObjectIdToObject(IDPairs(0).Value) TargetObject.Delete Set TargetObject = ThisDrawing.ObjectIdToObject(IDPairs(1).Value) TargetObject.Delete ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports MsgBox "The target objects have been deleted!", vbInformation End Sub
Visual LISP:
(vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_Value() ;; This example creates two Circle objects and uses the CopyObjects ;; method to copy them. It then returns the object IDs ;; of the new objects using the Value property and uses the ;; object IDs to remove the new (target) objects (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) ;; Define the Circle object (setq centerPoint (vlax-3d-point 0 0 0) radius1 5 radius2 7 radius1Copy 1 radius2Copy 2) ;; Add two circles to the drawing (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)) (setq circleObj1 (vla-AddCircle modelSpace centerPoint radius1)) (setq circleObj2 (vla-AddCircle modelSpace centerPoint radius2)) (vla-ZoomAll acadObj) ;; Copy objects ;; ;; First put the objects to be copied into a form compatible with CopyObjects (setq objCollection (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbObject '(0 . 1))) (vlax-safearray-put-element objCollection 0 circleObj1) (vlax-safearray-put-element objCollection 1 circleObj2) ;; Copy object and get back a collection of the new objects (copies) (setq retObjects (vlax-variant-value (vla-CopyObjects doc objCollection nil 'IDPairs))) ;; Get newly created object and apply new properties to the copies (setq circleObj1Copy (vlax-safearray-get-element retObjects 0)) (setq circleObj2Copy (vlax-safearray-get-element retObjects 1)) (vla-put-Radius circleObj1Copy radius1Copy) (vla-put-Radius circleObj2Copy radius2Copy) (vla-ZoomAll acadObj) (vla-Regen doc acAllViewports) ;; Display the object IDs of the source objects used for the copy (alert (strcat "The first target object ID is: " (itoa (vla-get-Value (vlax-safearray-get-element IDPairs 0))) "\nThe second target object ID is: " (itoa (vla-get-Value (vlax-safearray-get-element IDPairs 1))))) ;; This key can be used with objectIDtoObject to reference the source objects, ;; which is useful if the user manually selected the source objects. ;; ;; Here we delete the source objects from the ID obtained (setq TargetObject (vla-ObjectIdToObject doc (vla-get-Value (vlax-safearray-get-element IDPairs 0)))) (vla-Delete TargetObject) (setq TargetObject (vla-ObjectIdToObject doc (vla-get-Value (vlax-safearray-get-element IDPairs 1)))) (vla-Delete TargetObject) (vla-Regen doc acAllViewports) (alert "The target objects have been deleted!") )