サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ
object.DeleteFitPoint Index
タイプ: Spline
アクセス: 入力のみ
タイプ: 整数型
フィット点リストのインデックス位置。0 から N-1 までの正の整数(N はスプラインのフィット点の総数)。
フィット点が除去され、残された点からスプラインが再フィットされます。このメソッドが正常に終了するには、スプラインに少なくとも 3 つのフィット点が必要です。変更内容を表示するには、Update メソッドまたは Regen メソッドを使用します。
Sub Example_DeleteFitPoint() ' This example creates a spline object in model space. ' It then deletes a fit point from the spline. ' Create the spline Dim splineObj As AcadSpline Dim startTan(0 To 2) As Double Dim endTan(0 To 2) As Double Dim fitPoints(0 To 8) As Double startTan(0) = 0.5: startTan(1) = 0.5: startTan(2) = 0 endTan(0) = 0.5: endTan(1) = 0.5: endTan(2) = 0 fitPoints(0) = 1: fitPoints(1) = 1: fitPoints(2) = 0 fitPoints(3) = 5: fitPoints(4) = 5: fitPoints(5) = 0 fitPoints(6) = 10: fitPoints(7) = 0: fitPoints(8) = 0 Set splineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddSpline(fitPoints, startTan, endTan) ZoomAll MsgBox "Delete the first fit point", , "DeleteFitPoint Example" ' Delete the first fit point in the spline splineObj.DeleteFitPoint 0 ThisDrawing.Regen True MsgBox "A fit point has been deleted at Index: 0", , "DeleteFitPoint Example" End Sub
Visual LISP:
(vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_DeleteFitPoint() ;; This example creates a spline object in model space. ;; It then deletes a fit point from the spline. (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) ;; Create the spline (setq startTan (vlax-3d-point 0.5 0.5 0) endTan (vlax-3d-point 0.5 0.5 0) fitPoints (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 8))) (vlax-safearray-fill fitPoints '(1 1 0 5 5 0 10 0 0 ) ) (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)) (setq splineObj (vla-AddSpline modelSpace fitPoints startTan endTan)) (vla-ZoomAll acadObj) (alert "Delete the first fit point.") ;; Delete the first fit point in the spline (vla-DeleteFitPoint splineObj 0) (vla-Regen doc :vlax-true) (alert "A fit point has been deleted at Index: 0") )