ActiveViewport プロパティ(ActiveX)


サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ




タイプ: Document



読み込み専用: いいえ

タイプ: Viewport



現在のアクティブなビューポートへの変更は、ビューポートがアクティブなビューポートとしてリセットされた後にのみ反映されます。アクティブなビューポートをリセットするには変更されたビューポート オブジェクトを使ってこのプロパティを呼び出すだけです。

StatusID プロパティを使って、ビューポートが現在アクティブであるかどうかを確認します。

既存のビューポートの中から、1 つビューポートを選択することができます。それにはまず、Name プロパティを使って、希望のビューポートがある環境設定の名前を確認します。さらに、ビューポート環境設定が分割されている場合、その設定上の各ビューポートは LowerLeftCorner プロパティと UpperRightCorner プロパティで識別できます。

LowerLeftCorner プロパティと UpperRightCorner プロパティは、画面上でビューポートのグラフィックスの位置を示します。これらのプロパティを、次のように定義します(例として 4 分割を示します)。

ビューポート 1-LowerLeftCorner = (0, .5), UpperRightCorner = (.5, 1)

ビューポート 2 -LowerLeftCorner = (.5, .5), UpperRightCorner = (1, 1)

ビューポート 3-LowerLeftCorner = (0, 0), UpperRightCorner = (.5, .5)

ビューポート 4-LowerLeftCorner = (.5, 0), UpperRightCorner = (1, .5)


Sub Example_ActiveViewport()
    ' This example returns the current viewport.
    ' It creates a new viewport and makes it active, and
    ' Then it splits the viewport into four windows.
    ' It then takes one of the four windows, and splits that
    ' window horizontally into half.
    Dim currViewport As AcadViewport
    Dim newViewport As AcadViewport
    ' Returns current viewport of active document
    Set currViewport = ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport
    MsgBox "The current viewport is " &, vbInformation, "ActiveViewport Example"
    ' Create a new viewport and make it active
    Set newViewport = ThisDrawing.Viewports.Add("TESTVIEWPORT")
    ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = newViewport
    MsgBox "The new active viewport is " &, vbInformation, "ActiveViewport Example"
    ' Split the viewport in four windows
    newViewport.Split acViewport4
    ' Make the newly split viewport active
    ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = newViewport
    ' Note that current drawing layout will show four windows.
    ' However, only one of the windows will be active.
    ' The following code sets the lower-left corner window
    ' to be the active window and then splits that
    ' window into two horizontal windows.
    Dim entry
    For Each entry In ThisDrawing.Viewports
        If = "TESTVIEWPORT" Then
            Dim lowerLeft
            lowerLeft = entry.LowerLeftCorner
            If lowerLeft(0) = 0 And lowerLeft(1) = 0 Then
                Set newViewport = entry
                Exit For
            End If
        End If

    newViewport.Split acViewport2Horizontal
    ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = newViewport
End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_ActiveViewport()
    ;; This example returns the current viewport.
    ;; It creates a new viewport and makes it active, and
    ;; Then it splits the viewport into four windows.
    ;; It then takes one of the four windows, and splits that
    ;; window horizontally into half.
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))
    ;; Returns current viewport of active document
    (setq currViewport (vla-get-ActiveViewport doc))
    (alert (strcat "The current viewport is " (vla-get-Name currViewport)))
    ;; Create a new viewport and make it active
    (setq viewports (vla-get-Viewports doc))
    (setq newViewport (vla-Add viewports "TESTVIEWPORT"))
    (vla-put-ActiveViewport doc newViewport)
    (alert (strcat "The new active viewport is " (vla-get-Name newViewport)))
    ;; Split the viewport in four windows
    (vla-Split newViewport acViewport4)
    ;; Make the newly split viewport active
    (vla-put-ActiveViewport doc newViewport)
    ;; Note that current drawing layout will show four windows.
    ;; However, only one of the windows will be active.
    ;; The following code sets the lower-left corner window
    ;; to be the active window and then splits that
    ;; window into two horizontal windows.
    (vlax-for each-viewport viewports
        (if (= (vla-get-Name each-viewport) "TESTVIEWPORT")
                (setq lowerLeft (vla-get-LowerLeftCorner each-viewport))

                (if (and (= (vlax-safearray-get-element (vlax-variant-value lowerLeft) 0) 0)
                         (= (vlax-safearray-get-element (vlax-variant-value lowerLeft) 1) 0)
                    (setq newViewport each-viewport)
    (vla-Split newViewport acViewport2Horizontal)
    (vla-put-ActiveViewport doc newViewport)