ArrowheadBlock プロパティ(ActiveX)


サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ




タイプ: DimRadialDimRadialLargeLeaderMLeaderMLeaderLeader



読み込み専用: いいえ

タイプ: 文字列



注: このプロパティは、指定された寸法でシステム変数 DIMLDRBLK[引出線矢印タイプ]の値を変更します。


Sub Example_ArrowHeadBlock()
    ' This example creates a radial dimension object in model space
    ' and then alters the visible appearance (shape) of the arrowhead
    ' using the ArrowHeadBlock property.
    ' Use the ArrowHeadBlock property to set the arrowhead to an existing
    ' block object containing a custom Circle object

    Dim dimObj As AcadDimRadial
    Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim chordPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim leaderLen As Integer
    Dim BlockName As String
    ' Define the dimension
    center(0) = 0#: center(1) = 0#: center(2) = 0#
    chordPoint(0) = 5#: chordPoint(1) = 5#: chordPoint(2) = 0#
    leaderLen = 5
    ' Create the radial dimension in model space
    Set dimObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddDimRadial(center, chordPoint, leaderLen)
    ' Set arrowhead type to user-defined to allow
    ' the use of a block as the new arrowhead
    'dimObj.ArrowheadType = acArrowUserDefined
    dimObj.ArrowheadBlock = "CBlock"
    ' Read and display current arrowhead block name
    BlockName = dimObj.ArrowheadBlock
    MsgBox "The arrowhead block name for this object is: " & BlockName
End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_ArrowHeadBlock()
    ;; This example creates a radial dimension object in model space
    ;; and then alters the visible appearance (shape) of the arrowhead
    ;; using the ArrowHeadBlock property.
    ;; Use the ArrowHeadBlock property to set the arrowhead to an existing
    ;; block object containing a custom Circle object
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))

    ;; Define the dimension
    (setq center (vlax-3d-point 0 0 0)
          chordPoint (vlax-3d-point 5 5 0)
          leaderLen 5)
    ;; Create the radial dimension in model space
    (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc))  
    (setq dimObj (vla-AddDimRadial modelSpace center chordPoint leaderLen))
    (vla-ZoomAll acadObj)
    ;; Use the custom block as the new arrowhead, the block must exist in the drawing
    (vla-put-ArrowheadBlock dimObj "CBlock")
    (vla-ZoomAll acadObj)
    ;; Read and display current arrowhead block name
    (setq BlockName (vla-get-ArrowheadBlock dimObj))
    (alert (strcat "The arrowhead block name for this object is: " BlockName))