AddRevolvedSolid メソッド(ActiveX)


サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ



RetVal = object.AddRevolvedSolid(Profile, AxisPoint, AxisDir, Angle)

タイプ: BlockModelSpacePaperSpace



アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: Region

外形線には、Region オブジェクトのみが使用できます。


アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: バリアント型(3 要素の倍精度浮動小数点数型配列)

回転軸の始点を指定する 3D WCS 座標。


アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: バリアント型(3 要素の倍精度浮動小数点数型配列)

回転軸の方向を指定する 3D ベクトル。


アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: 倍精度浮動小数点数型

回転角度をラジアンで表したもの。完全に 1 回転させる場合は 6.28 と入力します。


タイプ: 3DSolid

新しく作成される回転ソリッドの 3DSolid オブジェクト。


回転するリージョンは閉じていなければなりません。ブロック内に含まれるオブジェクトを回転させることはできません。回転できるのは、一度に 1 つのオブジェクトのみです。



Sub Example_AddRevolvedSolid()
    ' This example creates a solid from a region
    ' rotated around an axis.
    ' The region is created from an arc and a line.
    Dim curves(0 To 1) As AcadEntity

    ' Define the arc
    Dim centerPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim radius As Double
    Dim startAngle As Double
    Dim endAngle As Double
    centerPoint(0) = 5#: centerPoint(1) = 3#: centerPoint(2) = 0#
    radius = 2#
    startAngle = 0
    endAngle = 3.141592
    Set curves(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddArc(centerPoint, radius, startAngle, endAngle)
    ' Define the line
    Set curves(1) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(0).startPoint, curves(0).endPoint)
    ' Create the region
    Dim regionObj As Variant
    regionObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(curves)
    MsgBox "Revolve the region to create the solid.", , "AddRevolvedSolid Example"
    ' Define the rotation axis
    Dim axisPt(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim axisDir(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim angle As Double
    axisPt(0) = 7: axisPt(1) = 2.5: axisPt(2) = 0
    axisDir(0) = 11: axisDir(1) = 1: axisDir(2) = 3
    angle = 6.28
    ' Create the solid
    Dim solidObj As Acad3DSolid
    Set solidObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRevolvedSolid(regionObj(0), axisPt, axisDir, angle)
     ' Change the viewing direction of the viewport
    Dim NewDirection(0 To 2) As Double
    NewDirection(0) = -1: NewDirection(1) = -1: NewDirection(2) = 1
    ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport.direction = NewDirection
    ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport
    MsgBox "Solid created.", , "AddRevolvedSolid Example"

End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_AddRevolvedSolid()
    ;; This example creates a solid from a region
    ;; rotated around an axis.
    ;; The region is created from an arc and a line.
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))
    (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc))

    ;; Define the arc
    (setq centerPoint (vlax-3d-point 5 3 0)
          radius 2
          startAngle 0
          endAngle 3.141592)
    (setq arc (vla-AddArc modelSpace centerPoint radius startAngle endAngle))
    ;; Define the line
    (setq line (vla-AddLine modelSpace (vla-get-StartPoint arc) (vla-get-EndPoint arc)))
    (setq curves (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbObject '(0 . 1)))
    (vlax-safearray-put-element curves 0 arc)
    (vlax-safearray-put-element curves 1 line)

    ;; Create the region
    (setq regionObj (vla-AddRegion modelSpace curves))
    (vla-ZoomAll acadObj)
    (alert "Revolve the region to create the solid.")
    ;; Define the rotation axis
    (setq rotAxisPt (vlax-3d-point 7 2.5 0)
          rotAxisDir (vlax-3d-point 11 1 3)
          rotAngle 6.28)
    ;; Create the solid
    (setq solidObj (vla-AddRevolvedSolid modelSpace (vlax-safearray-get-element (vlax-variant-value regionObj) 0) rotAxisPt rotAxisDir rotAngle))
    ;; Change the viewing direction of the viewport
    (setq NewDirection (vlax-3d-point -1 -1 1))
    (setq activeViewport (vla-get-ActiveViewport doc))
    (vla-put-Direction activeViewport NewDirection)
    (vla-put-ActiveViewport doc activeViewport)
    (vla-ZoomAll acadObj)
    (alert "Solid created.")