SetFitPoint メソッド(ActiveX)


サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ



object.SetFitPoint Index, Value

タイプ: Spline



アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: 長整数型

設定するフィット点のインデックス位置。最初のフィット点は、インデックス 0。


アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: バリアント型(3 要素の倍精度浮動小数点数型配列)

指定されたインデックス位置のスプラインのフィット点を指定する 3D WCS 座標。






Sub Example_SetFitPoint()
    ' This example creates a spline object in model space.
    ' It then finds the coordinates of the first fit point
    ' and changes that value.

    ' Create the spline
    Dim splineObj As AcadSpline
    Dim startTan(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim endTan(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim fitPoints(0 To 8) As Double
    startTan(0) = 0.5: startTan(1) = 0.5: startTan(2) = 0
    endTan(0) = 0.5: endTan(1) = 0.5: endTan(2) = 0
    fitPoints(0) = 1: fitPoints(1) = 1: fitPoints(2) = 0
    fitPoints(3) = 5: fitPoints(4) = 5: fitPoints(5) = 0
    fitPoints(6) = 10: fitPoints(7) = 0: fitPoints(8) = 0
    Set splineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddSpline(fitPoints, startTan, endTan)
    ' Display the coordinates of the first fit point
    Dim fitPoint As Variant
    fitPoint = splineObj.GetFitPoint(0)
    MsgBox "Fit point 1 is at " & fitPoint(0) & ", " & fitPoint(1) & ", " & fitPoint(2), , "SetFitPoint Example"
    ' Change the coordinates of the first fit point
    fitPoint(0) = 0: fitPoint(1) = 3: fitPoint(2) = 0
    splineObj.SetFitPoint 0, fitPoint
    MsgBox "Fit point 1 is now at " & fitPoint(0) & ", " & fitPoint(1) & ", " & fitPoint(2), , "SetFitPoint Example"
End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_SetFitPoint()
    ;; This example creates a spline object in model space.
    ;; It then finds the coordinates of the first fit point
    ;; and changes that value.
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))

    ;; Create the spline
    (setq startTan (vlax-3d-point 0.5 0.5 0)
          endTan (vlax-3d-point 0.5 0.5 0)
          fitPoints (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 8)))
    (vlax-safearray-fill fitPoints '(1 1 0
                                     5 5 0
				                                 10 0 0
    (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc))
    (setq splineObj (vla-AddSpline modelSpace fitPoints startTan endTan))
    (vla-ZoomAll acadObj)
    ;; Display the coordinates of the first fit point
    (setq fitPoint (vlax-variant-value (vla-GetFitPoint splineObj 0)))
    (alert (strcat "Fit point 1 is at " (rtos (vlax-safearray-get-element fitPoint 0) 2) ", "
                                        (rtos (vlax-safearray-get-element fitPoint 1) 2) ", "
                                        (rtos (vlax-safearray-get-element fitPoint 2) 2)))
    ;; Change the coordinates of the first fit point
    (setq fitPoint (vlax-3d-point 0 3 0))
    (vla-SetFitPoint splineObj 0 fitPoint)
    (vla-Update splineObj)
    (setq fitPoint (vlax-variant-value fitPoint))
    (alert (strcat "Fit point 1 is now at " (rtos (vlax-safearray-get-element fitPoint 0) 2) ", "
                                            (rtos (vlax-safearray-get-element fitPoint 1) 2) ", "
                                            (rtos (vlax-safearray-get-element fitPoint 2) 2)))