VRML Import Dialog

Appears when you import a VRML file.

Reset Scene

Deletes any existing scene upon import. If you turn off this option, the imported VRML world is merged into the 3ds Max scene.

Turn to 3DS Coordinates

Rotates the imported VRML world from Y, which is "up" in VRML, to Z, which is "up" in 3ds Max. If you turn off this option, VRML X, Y, and Z coordinates are imported without change.

Create Primitives

Converts the VRML Box/Cube, Cone, Cylinder, and Sphere nodes to corresponding 3ds Max primitives, if possible. If the VRML object has a texture on it, or if only part of the VRML object is to be created, a general triangular mesh object will be created instead. If you turn off this option, 3ds Max will convert these objects to triangular mesh objects.