You can import VRML 1.0, VRBL, and VRML 2.0/VRML 97 files into 3ds Max.
With VRML 1.0, VRBL, and VRML 2.0/VRML 97 files, 3ds Max imports geometry, materials (including diffuse texture maps), lights, perspective cameras and viewpoints, transformations, and grouping nodes created by other VRML tools. Once they are in the scene file, you can edit, modify, and animate these objects. 3ds Max also imports basic transform animations, such as position, rotation, and scale. Also included are animated color and light. These correspond to the basic animation that is exported by the VRML 1.0/VRBL and VRML97 exporters. Helper objects are not created upon import. Lighting effects are somewhat simplified from the full VRML lighting model.