Returns the pointer to the icon assigned to the plug-in.
Supported platforms: Windows only
Namespace: AcStMgr
Assembly: AcStMgr.tlb
Public ReadOnly Property Icon() As Long _ Implements IAcStPlugin2.Icon Get Dim ico As New System.Drawing.Icon("...") Return ico End Get End Property
public long Icon { get { Icon ico = new System.Drawing.Icon("..."); return ico; } }
Type: IAcStPlugin2 interface
The object this property applies to.
Read-only: Yes
Type: LongPtr (Long)
The HICON for the plug-in's icon.
Plug-in icons must be 16x16 pixels in size. The icon is displayed in the CAD Standards dialog box and the Batch Standards Checker.
Implementation of this property is optional.
No additional remarks.
Releases: AutoCAD 2004 and later
Public ReadOnly Property Icon() As Long _ Implements IAcStPlugin2.Icon Get Return 1 End Get End Property
public long Icon { get { return 1; } }