SetupForAudit Method (ActiveX/CSP)

Defines the context in which a plug-in will operate, specifically the database to check and the drawing standards (DWS) files that will be used for checking.

Supported platforms: Windows only

Namespace: AcStMgr

Assembly: AcStMgr.tlb



Public Sub SetupForAudit(pDb, szPathName, stdNameArray, stdPathArray, stdDbArray) _
                               Implements IAcStPlugin2.SetupForAudit
End Sub


public void SetupForAudit(pDb, szPathName, stdNameArray, stdPathArray, stdDbArray)

Type: IAcStPlugin2 interface

The interface this method applies to.


Access: Input-only

Type: AcadDatabase object

The database object of the drawing file to check.


Access: Input-only

Type: String

The path and file name of the drawing file that contains the database to check.


Access: Input-only

Type: Variant (Array of Strings)

The array of names for each standards drawing (DWS) files to use when checking the database.


Access: Input-only

Type: Variant (Array of Strings)

The array of paths for the standards drawing (DWS) files.


Access: Input-only

Type: Variant (Array ofAcadDatabase objects)

The array of database objects to use when checking the database.

Return Value (RetVal)

No return value.


The objects to check against is specified in by the SetContext method of the IAcStPlugin2 interface. It may vary from time to time during an editing session.

The AcadDatabase object passed to this method is guaranteed to be valid for the lifetime of the plug-in. Plug-ins should cache this object in a member variable of the plug-in to allow access to the objects from other plug-in methods.

Plug-ins should not cache the AcadDatabase objects passed to the stdDbArray parameter. The standards host application is free to close the DWS files after obtaining an iterator, thereby invalidating the database objects. Plug-ins that need information from the DWS files should cache information from them with this method, for example by copying the necessary data to an in-memory cache.

Release Information

Releases: AutoCAD 2004 and later



Public Sub SetupForAudit(ByVal pDb As AcadDatabase, _
                         ByVal szPathName As String, _
                         ByVal stdNameArray As Object, _
                         ByVal stdPathArray As Object, _
                         ByVal stdDbArray As Object) _
                               Implements IAcStPlugin2.SetupForAudit

    ' Used to define the context which the plug-in will operate.

    ' The drawing to be checked and the DWS files being used are passed
    ' to the plug-in at this point. Store the DWS standards definitions
    ' and the objects to be checked. The GetObjectFilter() method is used
    ' to specify the object type that the plug-in should check for errors.

    ' WARNING!: Do not save a reference to the database object,
    ' as it may not be valid going forward.

    If Not IsNothing(pDb) Then
        ' Store a reference to the DWG to be checked
        m_pCheckDatabase = pDb

        ' Verify the reference to the DWG is valid object
        If Not IsNothing(m_pCheckDatabase) Then
            ' << Change based on standards implementation >>
            For Each acObj As AcadObject In m_pCheckDatabase.Layers
                If acObj.ObjectName = "AcDbLayerTableRecord" Then
                    m_ContextList.Add(acObj.ObjectID, True)
                End If
        End If

        Dim iDWS As Integer

        ' Iterate each of the DWS files and cache the objects to use to fix errors
        For iDWS = 0 To UBound(stdDbArray)
            ' Get the DWS database
            m_pDWSDatabase = stdDbArray(iDWS)

            ' << Change based on standards implementation >>
            Dim pStdLayer As AcadLayer

            ' Iterate the layers in the database
            Dim i As Integer = 0
            For Each pStdLayer In m_pDWSDatabase.Layers
                Dim layerCache As New LayerCache()
                ' Cache the properties of the layers in the DWS database
                layerCache.Name = pStdLayer.Name
                layerCache.Color = pStdLayer.color
                layerCache.Lineweight = pStdLayer.Lineweight

                layerCache.StandardFileName = stdNameArray(iDWS)

                ' Create a fix object to be used later to correct a standards violation
                Dim pFix As New AcStFix()
                pFix.Description = "Layer fix"
                pFix.StandardFileName = layerCache.StandardFileName
                pFix.FixObjectName = pStdLayer.Name

                If pFix.PropertyCount = 0 Then
                    pFix.PropertyValuePut("Color", pStdLayer.color)
                    pFix.PropertyValuePut("Lineweight", pStdLayer.Lineweight)
                End If

                layerCache.StandardsFix = pFix
                ReDim Preserve m_LayerCacheArray(i)
                m_LayerCacheArray(i) = layerCache
                layerCache = Nothing
                pFix = Nothing
                i = i + 1

            m_pDWSDatabase = Nothing
    End If
End Sub


public void SetupForAudit(AcadDatabase pDb, string szPathName, object stdNameArray, 
                          object stdPathArray, object stdDbArray)

    // Used to define the context which the plug-in will operate.

    // The drawing to be checked and the DWS files being used are passed
    // to the plug-in at this point. Store the DWS standards definitions
    // and the objects to be checked. The GetObjectFilter() method is used
    // to specify the object type that the plug-in should check for errors.

    // WARNING!: Do not save a reference to the database object,
    // as it may not be valid going forward.
    if (pDb != null)
        // Store a reference to the DWG to be checked
        m_pCheckDatabase = pDb;

        // Verify the reference to the DWG is valid object
        if ((m_pCheckDatabase != null))
            // << Change based on standards implementation >>
            foreach (AcadObject acObj in m_pCheckDatabase.Layers)
                if (acObj.ObjectName == "AcDbLayerTableRecord")
                    m_ContextList.Add(acObj.ObjectID, true);

        int i = 0;
        int iDWS = 0;

        int nLBound = ((Array)stdDbArray).GetLowerBound(0);
        int nUBound = ((Array)stdDbArray).GetUpperBound(0);

        // Iterate each of the DWS files and cache the objects to use to fix errors
        for (iDWS = 0; iDWS <= nUBound; iDWS++)
            // Get the DWS database
            m_pDWSDatabase = (AcadDatabase)((Array)stdDbArray).GetValue(iDWS);

            // << Change based on standards implementation >>
            // Iterate the layers in the database
            foreach (AcadLayer pStdLayer in m_pDWSDatabase.Layers)
                AdskLayersPlugin.StandardsHelpers.LayerCache oLayerCache = new AdskLayersPlugin.StandardsHelpers.LayerCache();

                // Cache the properties of the layers in the DWS database
                oLayerCache.Name = pStdLayer.Name;

                oLayerCache.Color = (ACAD_COLOR)pStdLayer.color;
                oLayerCache.Lineweight = (ACAD_LWEIGHT)pStdLayer.Lineweight;

                oLayerCache.StandardFileName = (String)((Array)stdNameArray).GetValue(iDWS);
                oLayerCache.ObjectId = pStdLayer.ObjectID;

                // Create a fix object to be used later to correct a standards violation
                AcStFix pFix = new AcStFix();

                pFix.Description = "Layer fix";
                pFix.StandardFileName = oLayerCache.StandardFileName;
                pFix.FixObjectName = pStdLayer.Name;
                pFix.FixObjectId = oLayerCache.ObjectId;

                if (pFix.PropertyCount == 0)
                    pFix.PropertyValuePut("Color", (ACAD_COLOR)pStdLayer.color);
                    pFix.PropertyValuePut("Lineweight", (ACAD_LWEIGHT)pStdLayer.Lineweight);

                oLayerCache.StandardsFix = pFix;

                Array.Resize(ref m_LayerCacheArray, i + 1);
                m_LayerCacheArray[i] = oLayerCache;
                oLayerCache = null;
                pFix = null;
                i = i + 1;

            m_pDWSDatabase = null;