To Load a Source or Compiled File from a Project (Visual LISP IDE)

Individual or all source and compiled files in a project can be loaded into AutoCAD.

Note: The Visual LISP IDE is available on Windows only.

Load a single source or compiled file

  1. In Visual LISP, click Project Open Project.
  2. In the Enter Project Name dialog box, click Browse.
  3. In the Open Project dialog box, select the project (PRJ) file to open and click Open.
  4. In the Project window, select the file to load.
  5. Right-click and click Load to load the compiled program (FAS) file, or click Load Source to load the AutoLISP source code (LSP) file.

Load all source or compiled files

  1. In Visual LISP, click Project Open Project.
  2. In the Enter Project Name dialog box, click Browse.
  3. In the Open Project dialog box, select the project (PRJ) file to open and click Open.
  4. Click Load Project FAS to load the compiled program (FAS) files or click Load Source Files to load the AutoLISP source code (LSP) files.

    If you click Load Project FAS and Visual LISP detects that some of the source files are not compiled, it displays a message and asks if you want to compile those files:

    Click Yes to compile all .lsp files that do not have a corresponding .fas file. If you click No, Visual LISP loads all FAS files it finds for the project, and loads the AutoLISP source for the remaining project files.