Changing the Plane

When you move an object in the scene, the object moves on a 2D plane. By default, an axis is moved gesturally on all three planes. You can change the orientation of the plane by selecting an option in the Plane box.

For example, if the camera is pointed toward the Y plane and you want to move an axis along the X and Z planes, change the orientation to Plane XZ.

Select: To move objects:
Plane XY On the X or Y plane, but not on the Z plane.
Plane XZ On the X or Z plane, but not on the Y plane.
Plane YZ On the Y or Z plane, but not on the X plane.
Plane Off On the X, Y, or Z plane. The plane is oriented to face the camera.
Note: The different planes can only be used in Camera view. You see the change in the orientation of the plane only when you move the camera away from its default position.