The Animation menu has some common settings, and a number of settings specific to certain operations, organized in submenus. For specific Audio submenu settings, see Audio Keyframe Settings.
Common Settings
- Regen button
- Enable to automatically update the scene when an animation change is made.
- Channel View box
- Select a view of Channels, Tracks, or Info to control and coordinate your animation.
- Auto Select button
- Enable to select the channel automatically when you modify a channel value in the field for an effect or tool.
- Set Key button
- Sets the current values for the selected channels in the current frame (when Auto Key is disabled).
- Delete Key button
- Deletes the selected keyframes or curve.
- Keep button
- Deletes all keyframes except the current keyframe.
- Cut button
- Cuts the selected keyframes or curve.
- Copy button
- Copies the selected keyframes or curve.
- Paste button
- Pastes the selected keyframes or curve.
- Link button
- Creates an expression by linking one channel to another.
- Expressions button
- Applies an expression to one or more channels.
- Animation Reset box
- Select to reset the selected channel or all channels.
Keyframe Submenu
- Curve Functions box
- Select an operation to apply to your animation.
- Curve Value field
- Displays the value for the selection in the Curve Functions box. Editable.
- Insert Key button
- Inserts a keyframe. Its behaviour changes depending on where the keyframe is inserted.
- Duration field
- Displays the number of frames between keyframes. Editable.
- Absolute/Relative box
- Select whether the value in the Duration field is absolute or relative to the present keyframe value.
- Tangents box
- Select the behaviour of the keyframe tangents to help refine the shape of an animation curve between keyframes.
Tangent Mode |
Tangent Behaviour |
Auto |
Tangents are fixed in an horizontal position to prevent the curve from over- or under-shooting keyframes. Moving a keyframe higher or lower than its neighboring keyframes alters their tangents so the curve remains as uniform as possible. The handles of tangents set to Auto are empty circles. Manually moving a keyframe's tangent voids this setting for that tangent. It will now perform as a Fixed tangent.
Fixed |
Tangents are fixed in their current position so that moving a keyframe does not alter its tangents nor those of its neighboring keyframes. The handles of tangents set manually are filled circles.
Smooth |
Legacy setting to ensure compatibility with previous versions of a setup. Tangents are not locked like when using the Auto setting: they are affected by the movement of adjacent keyframes. There are no other benefit from using this setting. |
- Interpolation box
- Select an interpolation type to define the shape of an animation curve between keyframes.
- Extrapolation box
- Select an extrapolation type to define the shape of an animation curve before the first keyframe and after the last keyframe of the curve.
User Submenu
- Filter button
- Enable to create and name a selection set (the channels, folders, and folder elements that you want to display as part of a set).
- Selection Set box
- Select a user-defined selection set. Select <new user> to create a selection set.
- Name field
- Enter a name for the selection set. Editable.
- Define button
- Enable to display channels in red and green to indicate the channels contained in the current user-defined selection set.
- Delete button
- Removes the currently selected selection set from the Selection Set box.
- Use Selection button
- Displays the current selection set in the Channel Editor and at the same time saves the current selection set.
- Add Selection To button
- Adds the current selection to the active selection set.
- Load Filter Preferences button
- Loads the filter preferences last saved for the module.
- Save Filter Preferences button
- Saves the current filter settings as preferences for the module.
Filter Submenu
- Animated button
- Enable to display channels that have animation keyframes. Use in conjunction with the Animated Expansion and Animated Show/Hide boxes to further control the content displayed.
- Selected button
- Enable to display only channels that are selected in the Channel Editor. Use in conjunction with the Selected Expansion and Selected Show/Hide boxes to further control the content displayed.
- Animated Expansion box
- Select an expansion option for animated folders.
- Selected Expansion box
- Select an expansion option for selected folders.
- Animated Show/Hide box
- Select to display or hide animated folders.
- Selected Show/Hide box
- Select to display or hide selected folders.
- Auto Frame box
- Select an option to frame channels automatically. If None is selected, the Frame and Frame All buttons are enabled.
- Track Snap button
- Enable to force keyframes to snap to frames when dragging tracks by their left or right handles.
- Filter Tangents button
- Enable to display only the tangent handles of selected channels.