Audio Keyframe Settings

The animation controls Audio tab has a number of submenus with numerous settings to help you work with your audio clips.

Common Settings

There are a few common settings found in the Audio submenus.

Play button
Plays the audio media.
Stop button
Stops the audio playback.
Reset box
Available in the Media, Mapping, and Filtering submenus. In the Setup submenu, only Reset All is available.Select whether to reset the current Audio submenu, or all of the Audio settings.

Media Submenu

(a) Media Source box   

Media Source box
Select whether to analyse the current audio clip (audio attached to the front, back, or matte clips, for example), or the imported audio file.
Import button
Opens the import audio browser to load a file.
Clip Name box
If multiple audio clips are available, select which clip to use as source media. If only one audio clip is available, the name of the clip appears in a locked field.
W+ button
Displays the selected media's waveform in the Channel Editor.
W- button
Hides the waveform.
Track box
Select which audio track to use as source media.
Slip field
Displays the amount of frames to slip the media. Editable.
Handles field
Displays the amount of handles (frames) to analyse before and after the current shot duration. Editable.

For example, with a shot of 100 frames, if you enter 30 in this field, the total number of frames becomes 160 (30 frames before and 30 frames after the original 100 frames).

Mapping Submenu

(a) Audio Level Indicator (b) Tracking Mode box (c) Listening Mode box   

Tracking Mode box
Select whether to use an Amplitude or Transient tracking mode. In Amplitude tracking mode, a keyframe is generated at each frame, following the envelope of the audio signal. In Transient tracking mode, a keyframe is generated for each audio transient (sudden rise in amplitude), provided that the signal rises above the specified threshold.
Listening Mode box
Choose between Pre Filter (audio as it was imported) and Post Filter (audio with any changes made) monitoring when playing back audio media. Does not affect the analysis.
Link to Channel button
Enable to map the tracked audio to the selected animation channel. An 'a' appears in the channel list next to the name of the linked channel. Multiple channels can be selected simultaneously.
Channel Name field
This locked field displays the name of the selected channel being linked to the tracked audio. Multiple Channels is displayed if more than one channel is selected.
Min Value field
Displays the minimum value at which keyframes can be set in the linked channel. Editable.
Max Value field
Displays the maximum values at which keyframes can be set in the linked channel. Editable.
Note: The minimum value can be higher than the maximum value to get an inverse mapping of the tracking mode in the animation channel.
Attack field
Displays the number of frames needed for the channel to reach the Max Value before a transient. Available only in Transient tracking mode. Editable.
Release field
Displays the number of frames needed for the channel to reach the Min Value after a transient. Available only in Transient tracking mode. Editable.
Threshold field
(Not shown). Displays the value at which a keyframe is generated each time the signal rises above it. Available only in Transient tracking mode. Editable.
Tip: Start with a high threshold, and lower it until all required peaks are detected.
Floor field
Displays the minimum level of the audio media to be considered for the analysis (typically used to remove analysis noise between audio transients). Available only in Amplitude tracking mode. Editable.
Inertia field
Displays the rate at which the signal decreases after a transient. Editable.

In Transient tracking mode, the Release field can be increased to avoid the generation of several consecutive keyframes when the transient is not clearly defined in the input signal. Conversely, if the Release field is set to 0 ms, each transient rising above the threshold generates a keyframe, even if each occurs within a few milliseconds of another.

Audio Level Indicator
A visual representation of the audio level and the current Threshold or Floor value.
Audio Level Indicator
A visual representation of the audio level and the current Threshold or Floor value.
Reset box
Select Reset to reset the Mapping submenu settings only. Select Reset All to reset all of the Audio tab settings.
Note: Some of the settings in the Mapping submenu are repeated in the Filtering submenu so that you do not to have to switch tabs to change the settings. The same settings are reflected in both submenus.

Filtering Submenu

(a) Audio Level Indicator (b) Tracking Mode box (c) Frequency Graph (d) Listening Mode box 

Frequency Graph
A visual frequency representation of the audio signal being tracked. The audio display is always Pre Filter.
Frequency Range Preset box
Select a frequency range preset to determine the cutoff frequencies for Low and High filters.
Low field
Displays the lowest frequency of the input signal used in the analysis (also represented by a triangle under the frequency graph). Use the slider or field to adjust. Editable.
High field
Displays the highest frequency of the input signal used in the analysis (also represented by a triangle under the frequency graph). Use the slider or field to adjust. Editable.
Note: Some of the settings in the Filtering submenu are repeated in the Mapping submenu so that you do not to have to switch tabs to change the settings. The same settings are reflected in both submenus.

Setup Submenu

Load button
Click to load a saved audio mapping setup.
Save button
Click to save an audio mapping setup.
Setup Name field
This locked field displays the name of the loaded setup