The CDL menu allows you to:
To access the CDL menu:
The CDL menu is displayed.
When you change the slope transfer function, it allows you to change the lift and gain of the image without shifting the black level that is established by the offset. The following is a graph displaying how the slope value affects your image.
The following are the values to set the slope:
The offset transfer function either raises or lowers the overall brightness of the component, while keeping the slope constant.
The following are the values to set the offset:
The power transfer function changes the intermediate shape and is the only non-linear function.
The following are the values to set the power:
The saturation transfer function adjusts the intensity of the colours.
The following are the values to set the saturation:
You can decide to apply the CDL data either before (Pre) or after (Post) applying an Input LUT.
The CDL On/Off toggle allows you to either enable or disable CDL data. Since the Bypass All function does not bypass both the Input LUT and CDL, you would use the CDL On/Off button to 'mute' the effect of the CDL.