The American Society of Cinematographers Colour Decision List (ASC CDL) colour correction specification defines a common language format for primary colour correction. It is becoming a standard defined by the ASC and has been adopted by most major manufacturers.
CDL is expressed by nine numbers (three RGB triplets) representing predefined colour functions: offset, slope, and power. The format of CDL is standardized so results in one colour corrector can be duplicated in another corrector, so long as they both support the ASC CDL format. Currently, ASC CDL only supports primary colour correction, with the exception of chrominance (saturation change).
ACS CDL information can be stored as comments in an EDL from a Smoke and Flame, during the export EDL process. The ACS CDL comments from a Smoke and Flame EDL are supported in Lustre for import and export.
When you import an EDL with CDL comments or a sequence with CDL data from Smoke or Flame, the CDL data is stored in the Cut file. If you modify that CDL data, it gets saved with the Grade. This means that you can revert back to the original CDL data, by reloading the original Cut.