CDL Grading Using the Keypad

From the Image / CDL menu, you can use the Printer Light keyboard shortcuts (the Numeric Keypad) to perform CDL grading, in both Linear and Logarithmic modes. The Numeric Keypad is mapped as follows:
Key: Function:
"." Mode Selection. You can cycle the Modes by pressing "." repeatedly. Modes are:
  • Slope
  • Offset
  • Power
  • Saturation
"-" Reset:
  • Press once to reset the values of the current mode.
  • Press twice to reset all the CDL parameters.
"+" Increase all parameter values by one increment for the current mode.
Enter Decrease all parameter values by one increment for the current mode.
Ins Copy the CDL parameters from the previous shot to the current shot.
NumLock Increase the Red values for the current mode.
7 Decrease the Red values for the current mode.
4 Increase the Green and Blue values for the current mode.
1 Decrease Green and Blue for the current mode.
/ Increase the Green values for the current mode.
8 Decrease the Green values for the current mode.
5 Increase the Red and Blue values for the current mode.
2 Decrease the Red and Blue values for the current mode.
* Increase the Blue values for the current mode.
9 Decrease the Blue values for the current mode.
6 Increase the Red and Green values for the current mode.
3 Decrease the Red and Green values for the current mode.
By holding Shift or Alt you can set the desired precision of the Numeric Keypad. To modify the Saturation, it is recommended to use the following keys:
Other useful keyboard shortcuts: