Importing and Exporting Raw Setup Files

You can import and export raw setup files for animated garbage masks. A garbage mask exported as a raw setup file includes the following information:

To export a raw setup file:

  1. In the Garbage Mask menu, click Save to open the file browser.
  2. From the GMask Type box, select Export RAW.
  3. Type the name of the file to be exported, and click Save.

To import a raw setup file:

  1. In the Garbage Mask menu, click Load to open the file browser.
  2. From the GMask Type box, select Import RAW.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate directory and select the raw setup file to import.

    The raw setup file is imported into the Keyer.

To import a raw setup file in the Modular Keyer:

  1. In the Modular Keyer, click the GMask node in the processing pipeline. See Accessing the Garbage Mask Menu.
  2. In the GMask menu, click Load.

    The Load menu and file browser appear.

  3. In the Load menu, select Import Raw and Default from the Load option boxes.
  4. Enable Append or Replace.
  5. In the file browser, specify the name and path of the file to import.

To export a raw setup file in the Modular Keyer:

  1. In the Modular Keyer, click the GMask node in the processing pipeline. See Accessing the Garbage Mask Menu.
  2. In the GMask Setup menu, click Save.

    The Save menu and file browser appear.

    (a) Save option box  

  3. In the Save menu, select Export Raw from the Save option box.
  4. In the file browser, specify the name and path of the file to export.
  5. Click Save.