Render List Settings

Use the Render List to manage output and export processes. You can set up several output or export processes, specify the frames at which to start and end a process, as well as set job priorities.

You can execute jobs immediately or at a later time using a Batch script. You can attach scripts that convert processed images to a movie file (.mpg) or that send messages about the status of Batch processes. The jobs that appear in the Render List are saved in the Batch setup file.

The Render List also displays some settings you defined for a specific Render or Write File node. For example, it lists the destination you specified for a processed output as well as the type of output.

To access the Render List, click the Render List button. You can switch between the Render Node or Write File node menu and the Render List as needed. A horizontal scroll bar is available when the Render List table exceeds the screen width.

List Filtering Settings

Nodes box
Select whether to activate or deactivate all Render and Write File nodes in the Render List.
List box
Select whether to render only visible Render and Write File nodes in the current Render List view, or include Render and Write File nodes nested in groups.

Render List Columns

Process Indicator column
Activate individual Render and Write File nodes for processing. Click an indicator to activate or disable one job at a time.

The arrow in the P column is yellow when a job is active, grey when disabled, and red when there is a processing error.

Node Name column
Displays the name for the processed clip. Click a Node Name field to rename the clip.
Start and End frames columns
Specify the range of frames you want rendered in a processed result. Corresponds to the Range From and To fields in the Render or Write File node settings.

For example, one node could be set to process the first 30 frames of a 60-frame clip, and another node could process the remaining 30 frames.

Note: The Start and End fields override the total number of frames in the timebar. For example, if the timebar shows a 60-frame clip and a node is set to start at frame 20 and end at frame 100, then 80 frames are processed.
Destination column
Displays the destination for the output or exported result. Use the Output Destination box in the Render or Write File node settings to change the destination.
Priority column
Displays the priority of the jobs to be processed. If two processing nodes are connected to the same process tree, they have the same priority.

If there is a processing error, for example, if the Render or Write File node is not connected to a process tree, the job is deactivated and the priority is automatically set to 0.

Script column
Attach a script file whose content is executed when the Render or Write File node is finished rendering. Scripts must have the file extension .bscript.

Click this field to load an existing script from the file browser. See the Script Reference section below for more information.

Source column
Generate your output with a source timecode. Corresponds to the Source Timecode field in the Render or Write File node settings. To edit the timecode, double-click the field and enter a new value.
Record column
Generate your output with a record timecode. Corresponds to the Record Timecode field in the Render or Write File node settings. To edit the timecode, double-click the field and enter a new value.
FCM column
Displays the framecode mode. Change this value using the Frame rate box in the Render or Write File node settings.
Tape Name column
Displays the tape name specified in the Render Node settings. Editable.
Type column
Displays the output type of clip to be processed: RGB, RGB-A, or Stereo. Corresponds to the Export Format box in the Render or Write File node settings.
Resolution column
Displays the resolution of the render: working (the current proxy setting) or full. Click to toggle.

Script Reference

Batch scripts are ASCII files that contain instructions related to a Batch job. They must have the file extension .bscript for Batch to recognize them. A Batch script is executed after the Render or Write File node to which the script is associated has finished rendering.

Note: Use the imgview and movie scripts with the Read File node, and use the listVariables script with the Render or Write File nodes.

You should consult with your system administrator when creating scripts. Scripts are created using either C shell, Korn shell, or Perl. Also, Batch scripts must have the proper file access, directory access, and execution permissions for the files, directories, and applications in the script.

When the script is executed, Flame Premium continues with its own processes and does not wait for the script to terminate. Flame Premium imposes no restrictions with executing scripts; however, make sure that no one else is using the system when a script is executed and that the script is approved by your system administrator.

Script variables that you can set are defined in the following table.

Variable Description
BATCH_NODE_NAME Corresponds to the name of the Render or Write File node. This is the same name that you provide in the Render List Node Name field.
BATCH_FIRST_FRAME Corresponds to the first frame displayed in the Render List for the selected node name.
BATCH_LAST_FRAME Corresponds to the last frame displayed in the Render List for the selected node name.
BATCH_ASPECT_RATIO Corresponds to the framestore aspect ratio.
BATCH_FRAME_RATE Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

This is the frame rate of the final clip result.

BATCH_FRAME_WIDTH Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

Corresponds to the width of the final clip result.

BATCH_FRAME_HEIGHT Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

Corresponds to the height of the final clip result.

BATCH_OUTPUT_DST Applies only to scripts associated with Render nodes.

Indicates the destination of the final clip result as either the Desktop or Media Library.

BATCH_BIT_DEPTH Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

Specify the bit depth of the final clip result.

BATCH_CROP_WIDTH Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

Specify the crop width of the final clip result.

BATCH_CROP_HEIGHT Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

Specify the crop height of the final clip result.

BATCH_FILE_FORMAT Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

Indicates the numbering format of a sequence of exported images in the final clip result. This numbering sequence ensures that the order of frames in the clip is intact when you import the clip.

BATCH_FILE_EXT Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

Specifies the format to which the final clip result is being exported: Alias (.als), Cineon, Dpx (Spirit), Jpeg (.jpg), Pict (.pict), Pixar (.picio), Sgi (.sgi), SoftImage (.pic), Targa (.tga), Tdi/Maya (.iff), Tiff (.tif), or Wavefront (.rla).

BATCH_FILE_DIR Applies only to scripts associated with Write File nodes.

Indicates the file location of the final clip result.